Friday, June 29, 2018

It's Friday YAY!

Construction update: not much at all going on. Actually nothing's been going on for over a week. Insulation guys were supposed to show up Tuesday afternoon. Nope. Concrete patio guy was supposed to come this week. Nope. Wednesday builder said insulation will be done today/Friday....because dry wallers are coming Monday. We'll see. DH is out there this morning and I haven't heard yes or no from him. Builder says his son that does the concrete work is coming Saturday to set the patio forms. I wouldn't think that is too big of job, as I assume it's just some forms around the perimeter of the patio. Concrete is supposed to be poured Monday and Tuesday. I'm not sure why 2 days is needed. I didn't ask DH why.  I'm pretty sure none of this is going to happen next week. It is the holiday week, after all. One day of holiday in the middle of the week will mean 4 days off for everyone.

Here's a funny: some of the light fixtures we ordered for the shop (and garage) were delivered (some were back ordered and now on the way). We are using recessed 4ft LED fixtures. So the other evening DH opened up one of the boxes to take a look at the fixture. He opens the cover to look inside. Nothings in there. Hmmm...I thought they came with the bulb. (great, now I gotta spend more money on bulbs) So, next morning I email my contact to ask her what type of bulbs I should by for them (since there are so many different kinds/wattages). She replies back "honey, these are an LED "light board" - you don't need bulbs!" HAHAHA! Obviously we had no idea what we were lookin' at! Who knew they don't need bulbs anymore?! They are supposed to last like 20 years, and that's with regular 8 hrs per day type of usage, so we should never have to replace them.

We are going to need a refrigerator/freezer in the shop. Mainly because we will be living it in for some time and also because for future use, DH would like to have some cold water, soda and ice cream bars in the freezer ;). I looked online at some pricing for some cheap smaller sized refrigerators. I think we are going to go with a compact refrigerator. There is one on sale at Lowe's for $250 that is 4.5 cu. ft. That should be enough for us to use while living in the shop. Obviously I'm not going to be able to do much in the way of cooking, so won't need a lot of refrigerator space. We'll go look at them sometime before the sale ends on 7/4 and see if we think it will be big enough. We had a full sized refrigerator (my mom's old one) in our old shop before and that size was just not needed at all.  We also thought about just buying the fridge we will put in the house and using that in the shop until the house is built, but in the end we'll still need to put something out in the shop, so might as well by the one we want for the shop now instead.

DH was telling me about his conversation with that new neighbor lady at the property. One of the thing she said was "oh, you have a bathroom in your shop? Why? are you going to be living in the shop?" DH told her yes, that is the plan, while the house is being built. But why wouldn't he put a bathroom in his shop? who wants to always have to go back into the house every time he needs to go to the bathroom? Or if someone is at the shop visiting with him, it's right there and he wouldn't have to send them to the house.  Or to be able to have a sink to go wash his hands off after working on stuff in the shop.  Seems like a logical thing to have in it to me. Not to mention we'll probably end up using the shower to give dogs a bath, too.  I wouldn't dream of standing down at their lot/house being built and saying "why are you doing it that way?" LOL. But, people do that to DH all the time.


  1. That is so funny about the lights! Technology sure can be hard to keep up with! As for the bathroom, why can't people just be happy for others? What's it matter to her whether or not you have a bathroom in the shop. Makes perfect sense to me.

    1. makes sense to me, too. Especially why question something like that when you don't even know the person at all. LOL

  2. The new neighbor lady sure is nosey.
    I think a bathroom in the shop makes complete sense. I would not have had the nerve to ask, unless I was paying for it. Gawd ;0)
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. I know, I'd be so embarrassed to question someone like that. Fist off it's really none of my business and second, what would I really care what some one else wants. LOL.

  3. I might question but would not drop it after the explanation. I would say, "Oh, I should have realized." or "well, that makes sense. I should have thought of that." or "Great idea!" I am quite sure she just let it drop after his response.

    You would not want the random person traipsing into the house all the time. I think the fully appointed shop is a great idea.

    Consider this--she might not have the means for a well-appointed shop. She is nosy, rude, and limited in means.

    1. I'm like you. I might ask, but then I'd do the same, compliment them. You could be right about maybe not having the means for something like that (which is totally fine). apparently they are only having their builder basically frame and sheetrock their house and they are going to be doing the rest themselves, so I'm guessing out of pocket and it will take some time. Reminds me of a high school friend I had. Her dad built their house - only he never ever got it done. I remember you could barely get up the stairs to their bedrooms, LOL.
