Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The old heart and other broken parts

DH's dad finally had his doctor appointment last week with the cardiologist. Then had to wait until yesterday for results. Dr. immediately sent him to the ER. The plan was to do an angiogram to find the blockage and then put in a stent, or possibly do open heart surgery, if there was more than one blockage. I guess they found so many blockages they opted to do nothing until his cardiologist can assess risk, etc. So, he spent the night at the hospital and is supposed to be discharged today. Not sure when he will see his cardiologist, but it all doesn't sound very good. Hopefully they can do something to help him. Throw in that he also recently found out he has slow growing lung cancer in one lung.......He'll be 80 next month.

Our roofing on the shop got completed yesterday (again in the rain). I think it looks good and am happy with the color I picked out.....now hoping it will look good with the siding! LOL. The excavator guy is pushing us off again, so he can do other jobs he's taken on after agreeing to our job. Nice. He needs to come back and do the water lines now and finish backfilling around our gate piers, as well as he could do some driveway prep. 

Today the electrician is coming back to start the wiring, now that the roof is on and it's dry inside. We ordered this breaker part he said we needed. I bought it off an Amazon seller for $60. It was supposed to be new. Opened the box and it was definitely not new. I sent the seller a message asking about it and he said it's a new part. I said, no, it is definitely not new and sent him 3 pictures. The mounting had signs it had already been mounted. The lugs had obviously had a wrench put on them, as well as there was a chip in the casing! He replied back that he was so sorry. It got listed wrong. He said I could send it back and he'd credit me for it, plus return shipping, but he doesn't have a new one (though he still has a new one listed on Amazon). DH took it with him this morning to show it to the electrician. He tested it and it's no good. So now I gotta send it back and get credit and order another one from someplace else. GRRR! Well, he just emailed back that he has issued credit and just throw it away, don't worry about sending it back. Well, at least that is good I don't have to make a trip to the post office.


  1. So sorry about your husband's dad. I am sure his heart is the bigger problem as compared to cancer at his age. I hope, he gets that taken care of as soon as possible. Clogged arteries are a big deal.

    1. That's what both cardiologist and lung dr are saying, his heart is of more concern right now than the cancer. We'll have to now wait and see what his cardiologist thinks can be done, if anything.

  2. Oh no. And with your MIL being as she is, there will likely be some big changes in their future. :(
    Glad that the Amazon seller made things right. Still, what a pain!

    1. that's what I was thinking, too. Not sure how much longer he'll be able to care for her. I looked on my Amazon account/store card that I charged it on. it's looking like the pending transaction is another charge to my acct! I'll have to wait and see when it's posts, I guess.
