Wednesday, May 9, 2018

You just never know....

My heart is aching.  DD's fiance's sister is gravely ill. She's about same age as my DD, early 20's, just graduated college about a month ago, just started her new job. She's been pretty sick the past few weeks and now is in ICU, waiting on an organ transplant! I can't imagine what they are all going through. They have put her first on the list in the state for the transplant and estimate it will be about a week before she can get one. Just devastating. She's a sweet girl and I have met her a few times.

You just never ever know what life is going to throw at you. For anyone reading this who might be acting petty, mean, stubborn, distant, or whatever with someone they love - just stop it! Life is too short and precious to act like that.

Our excavator guy bailed on us already, after working one day yesterday. OMG. He's not done backfilling and whatever else he needs to do, but pulled off to go make a bunch of money working in the flooding area. Who knows when he'll be back. I imagine not until next week now. The flood danger is still through the end of this week.


  1. I am so sorry for the young girl. I hope, they will find a donor right away and save her. My thoughts and prayers are with you. So sad.

    1. thank you. it will be quite a road for her to deal with all this going forward.

  2. That is so sad. I will pray they can save her life. It's scary how life can change in an instant. A family at our homeschool co-op just lost their young daughter this week due to a bleeding brain tumor. They didn't even know she had it until she had a seizure and was rushed to the ER. So devastating. It makes all the petty, little things we fret about seem so trivial.

    1. it certainly puts things in perspective, doesn't it? thank you for commenting.

  3. Oh my goodness, I sincerely hope that they find a donor quickly - although of course that of necessity means someone else is grieving. Praying for you all.

    1. yes, you are so right. A generous person who donates their organs will be loved and missed.

  4. You missed a great chance to help her get an organ!!! What organ does she need?

    1. Well, I hope I missed my chance....I'm not ready to be dead yet! She needs a full liver

  5. You are so correct about life being too short to be petty!
    I am so sorry to hear of your daughter's future SIL's health issues.

  6. I hope and pray for her health. Yes, we need to keep pettiness at bau. It's the anniversary week of a friends unexpected death last year at 37.

    1. Thank you. It's not looking to good today for her. We've had a few good friends die unexpectedly. It's also almost the anniversary of DH's best friend's death 7 years ago.
