Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Books, Netflix snd more

I think the book club I belong to has kind of been a disappointment. We only met about 4 times last year. It's supposed to be monthly. Finally, at last September's meeting (the only one I could not go to - as I was visiting mom and DD) they just met about the future of the book club and supposedly decided no more cancelling. If some couldn't make it, oh well.  Well, we are right back to same old.  Last month got canceled for a reason never said.  Yesterday the one hosting the upcoming one this week emailed everyone. She emailed back this morning that only two had said they were coming, so probably should cancel. You'd think with a little over 20 members we could scrounge up enough each month. The most that has ever attended to one I've been to was like 12. Usually there are around 6 of us and for the most part, the same 6, give or take one or two. Oh well.

More excavating - or rather I should say the opposite - got done at the property yesterday. The house foundation is almost done getting backfilled. DH did hear from the builder. He said the plumber he uses is working out of town and won't be back until Wednesday. Get this - all these contractors (most are from the nearest big city) complain it's too far to want to come out to work where we live - a whole 45 miles/35 minute drive, but this plumber will go work 2 1/2 hours away! Makes complete sense (rolling eyes). DH said even the excavator guy, when we was smoothing out where our back patio will be, said this is going to be really nice.

Did I mention that all this time, going along this year, I thought my company was meeting it's sales goal for our bonus, but found out we really aren't? I was going off the "quota" column in the daily sales report and thought we were ok. Apparently that isn't the right number. It's way higher. So, I doubt we'll make it. We'll be fairly close.  Seems like in that case they could give us the percentage of what we made. Like 80 or 90% of our bonus, LOL.  I guess we'll know one way or the other by the end of June. If we don't make the mid year, we still have a chance to meet our sales goal by year end and get the full bonus then.

I finished watching Rectify yesterday. I very much enjoyed it. A complex and thoughtful show. Now to figure out what to watch next.


  1. We have a book club at work and I did hesitate but I really couldn't face reading a book because I "have" to. If I am not enjoying a book I will no longer finish it - my motto - life's too short to read a bad book. It does seem as though there isn't much enthusiasm though doesn't it!

    1. I wonder if that's why so many don't end up coming - because they didn't like the book. There have a a few books I didn't finish because I didn't like it, but it's still fun to go for the meal and conversation, if only to say why I didn't like it, too. One of the upcoming books (August I think) is a book that is still only available in hardback and not available to borrow thru my library. No way I'm paying $30 for this book (and good chance to not like it) so I will probably just skip that one, I guess. There's another book on our list that's not with library either, but I found it on Amazon e-book for $4. I still don't want to pay for it! But I guess $4 isn't that bad. I'm so cheap. LOL

  2. We had the same problem - no one wanted to drive out to us, luckily, our builder had good contractors under his belt, so things got done. That the is the most frustrating of all - waiting, getting stood up, no returned call, etc. Hang it there, it will happen!

    As for bad books, there is only 1 I did not read through - Lincoln by Gore Vidal. Worst book ever - followed by Julie vs Julia and Gone Girl. But I did finish those. I figure I owe the book to the bitter end to make such a claim that it is bad. LOL My weird mind.

    1. that's what we were trying to tell ourselves this weekend. eventually it's all going to get done. but I have a feeling it's going to take year rather than the 6 months builder said. I've read a couple of our bookclub books to the end, even though I didn't like them. Though a couple of them got better as it went along.

  3. Our book group meets in the day, but were all retired or flexible. I find a lot of people including me do not like to go out once they are home.i ,like book groups cause they get me out of my bestseller mysteries funk. I just finished The Five, but it's a limited series and British. What about Mindhunter?

    1. Most of these ladies are retired, too, but several, like me work, too. I tend to read books and that aren't book club material, too, so have been enjoying getting exposed to other books that I probably wouldn't read or find on my own. I'll check out those two shows. Thanks for the suggestions!
