Saturday, May 26, 2018

Saturday morning chillin'

I did end up going shopping by myself yesterday afternoon. First stop was to pick up the vapor barrier and rolls of tape DH ordered. I guess DH thought it would be folded up in a big box. The guy brings a big roll out to my car on a forklift and says "um...I don't think this will fit". I asked how long is it? he said 7 1/2 feet. I said it will fit! It did. LOL.

Then I went to Target for a few things. Soda was on sale for 4/$10 so I got 4 more. The dogs were getting low on Beggin' Strips so I got a big bag and used a $1 off coupon. The Bertolli frozen skillet meal we like was on sale for $5.99 (usually they are $8 at grocery store), so I got 2 bags. We both really like this meal. It's very quick and easy and tasty. But one bag isn't almost not quite enough (for how much dh likes to eat) for two of us and two bags cooked up is way too much. Last time I made it I decided to also make some white rice. The skillet ends up with quite a bit of sauce/gravy leftover so I poured that over the rice. It was a great addition and helped fill the meal out. Hmm.. I was just looking at my Target receipt. The sign in front of all the soda said $4/$10 - that is $2.50 a 12 pack. My receipt says they $3 each.  Wonder what's up with that.  Also, I know I handed her my dog treat coupon for $1 off and that is not reflected on my receipt either! I guess I will have to watch my receipts more closely there from now on, while checking out!

DH is wiped out. He got up this morning around 7am. Had some Cheerios and sat on the computer a bit and then went back to bed. He needs the rest, that's for sure.   Sometime this weekend I am going to go to the big flea market going on - whether he wants to come with me or not!  I even remembered to get a little cash out of the bank cash machine when I was in the city yesterday. I realized I had not used this debit card yet and couldn't even remember if I had picked out a PIN or not. I decided I'd better try it out and see and not need to use it in an emergency and not know my PIN LOL. It worked with what I assumed I would have picked as my PIN. I made my goal of another $25 earned in M-Turks this week.

The plumber guy made it out yesterday and got his work needed to be done before slabs are poured. Builder had said that will be done Tuesday. Now he's saying Wednesday. Delay delay delay.

Wood miller guy has started cutting our logs up into boards yesterday.

I guess DH's dad has lung cancer. He had told DH's sis that he told DH about it, but he hadn't. While they were seeing him about that the doctor said he was more worried at this time about what is going on with his heart and wanted him to go to ER and get checked out. I guess this was awhile back and FIL didn't go. I guess he went back to dr. yesterday and they determined his one lung lit up in the x-ray and for sure has cancer, but dr. said it's slow growing and again, he's more worried what is going on with his heart. Honestly, I can't say I'm too surprised - he's smoked for at least 60 years - what do you expect to happen to your lungs? I'm glad DH and I don't smoke or drink. FIL also said when they left the dr. office yesterday to go home - a 10 mile drive - it took them an hour and 15 minutes to go 10 miles. Boy, I sure do NOT miss that at all.


  1. Sounds like your DH has definitely been overdoing it. Good that he finally recognizes that. And I'm so sorry about your FIL but like you say (about the smoking) I guess we all think it only happens to someone else. I hope he gets the treatment he needs.

    1. I hope so too, but I fear this will be what finally gets them both to assisted living.

  2. My father's heart was so strong that doctor who treated his cancer and emphysema should be dead. I would call the sstore and point out the discrepancy on receipt and store prices posted. They will take your receipt and return the difference.

    1. I'm sure I'd have to go back to the store to get the refund, if due and since it's so far away it's not worth it. I'll just have to be more diligent while I'm checking out.
