Thursday, May 10, 2018

Working through the week

I'm still waiting for that co-pay issue to get resolved. I called my doctor's office back this morning to follow up on it. I got the office manager this time (who I had asked to talk to last week). She was aware of the other gal working on this and said she sent an email to their main office credentialing department to get this corrected with the insurance company. I asked her if she could also call her main billing department and let them know she is working on it, so that they try to stop collecting from me. She started to tell me I should call and let them know, but I said I already have, twice now, in the last 6 months, so maybe it would also be good if she did it, too.  She did call me back a few hours later, just to let me know she contacted the main billing dept. and they are putting a hold on that billing, until it gets resolved. I thanked her and told her I didn't think I should be getting threatened to be sent to collections over $25, when it's their error in not getting their provider updated as to what office she works at.

I had a goal by 5/10 to earn another $25 from M-Turks. I'm almost there - at $24.14. I'm hoping to get the rest today. I had written the $25 in my budget for this pay period, so I think that also helped motivate me to get it. My total earnings since I started (I think I started around first of October last year?) is about $320.

Swagbucks earnings just keeps dwindling each month. Less % back seems to be offered on purchases with the online stores and takes more videos to watch to earn from dailywatch. I've tried the new SwagIQ trivia game a few times, when I can remember to do it. It's only around dinnertime and I forget. Not that I really earned much from it. I think the first time was the most at like 26 SB's. I rarely get past the second question, LOL. I haven't really figured out the details of that game yet. I do seem to earn some SB's playing along, but they appear to be going into a separate "bucket" that I can only cash in when there's enough to get a reward.

The excavator has not come back yet, so two more days lost. Frustrating to keep being put at the back of the line.  DH is out there by himself today working some more on the gate piers. Getting plywood around the rebar, ready for concrete pouring. As long as there is some work going on DH is ok, but when there's not (and should be!) he gets very grumpy. He's totally over doing himself, which isn't helping. He went to the lumber store yesterday morning to get sheets of plywood. Got them out to the property and unloaded and had no more energy and came home and rested the rest of the day.

Here's one of the gate piers getting worked on

DD's future SIL is doing better. They are giving her some meds to try to reduce her toxin levels and it's come down some yesterday and even more this morning, so they just found out the doctors feel they might be able to take needing a transplant off the table for now. That is such wonderful news. I hope she continues to improve. DD said the hospital/doctor she was at a week or two ago was treating her like she was some alcoholic college student who was lying to her parents that she doesn't drink! She does not drink at all. The major hospital she is at now has been much more helpful and caring with it all and not acting like that.  It's always amazed me how different doctors can be in how they relate to a patient. I saw a lot of it when we were going through all the specialists and tests trying to figure out what is wrong with DH. We loved his first doctor (neurologist) but right after he started seeing him he moved out of state to go work somewhere else. I always wonder if we would have finally found some answers if DH had been able to keep him as his doctor during it all.


  1. Different doctors have made all the difference in diagnosing strange things wrong with me. Good luck on the work at your property.

    1. it seems there are more bad dr's than good ones, in my experience.

  2. My sister has been diagnosed with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis few years ago. She does not drink either. A friend of mine has been diagnosed with a similar problem called primary biliary cholangitis usually found in men. Since she was a woman, they did not suspect it at first. WÄ°shing them all good health and long, happy lives. My friend almost died. Her lab results were off the charts. She has been stable for quiet a while now. I hope, your DD's SIL will be diagnosed by a specialist who knows what she/he is doing. All the best...

    1. she took a turn for the worse again yesterday so not looking good.

  3. So sad for this young lady. Will keep her in prayer.
