Friday, May 18, 2018


The rain (other than some light rain) is holding off and they got a lot done at the property yesterday and should be finished up with the shop and garage floors to be ready for concrete pour, which then I'm sure will happen next week.

The big mounds of dirt are going away, there is only one left, as they use it all back up to backfill around the foundations. Things are starting to look smoothed out and not like a bomb went off. The other day our cut down trees got hauled off to another place down the road to be cut up into lumber for our gate and chicken coop/shed.

I just placed a Target order online. I had $10 in Target gift cards from previous purchase deals. I was ordering a couple of pet supplies and they were having a deal $10 off $40 in pet supplies. Of course my total came to $39. I added a second box of brushing chews for $11.79 and got the $10 off, so it was basically like getting the second box for $1.79.

We don't have any plans for this weekend. Hopefully DH can just rest up some.I was chatting with DD online last night. She hasn't been to work much this past week and a half. She said she's going to work from home a half day today and then back at the office on Monday. She said she's ready to get back to a regular routine. I don't blame her. Routine is good for helping get over a loss like they have suffered.


  1. You are getting things done so we can see the progress as it happens.
    I continue thinking of your DD's future family.

    1. I keep thinking of them, too. It's just so sad.
