Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Another day

Life must go on. Some how, some way we all get through the loss of loved ones and DD's soon to be in-law family will get through it, too.  Makes one sure realize we should never ever take life and our loved ones for granted.  Some we get years and years to love (like my grandma at 95) and some we get a short time with (like my cousin who died at age 5).

I'm very thankful my test turned out ok and nothing to worry about. My mom had several cysts in her breast in her 20's and early 30's. Back then they used to drain them. The doctor who looked at my ultrasound yesterday said this, too, but that they realized it was not necessary to do that anymore, especially for such a tiny cyst.  I am done with all my tests now and shouldn't have to go back to the doctor for a year until my next annual check up.

Our site work on the property is going painstakingly slow. The excavating guy sent one guy out to do a 2-3 person job. Not much got done. He didn't show up yesterday. DH got a text around 9am that the guy had to go to another job and would be there in an hour or two. I think he showed up around 4pm for an hour or so of work.  He is there today, but again. One guy on a machine, without shovel helpers is going very slow. This should be about a 2 days job at most, with the right number of crew. DH is way beyond frustrated. We can't get the shop and garage slabs poured until this gets done....and of course starting this afternoon the weather is supposed to completely turn to crap for at least a week.

DD had good news last Monday, though very hard to deal with it while dealing with everything else. Her immediate boss (he's the supervisor of her department) needs to take off for a month or two to go back to UK for a dying parent. They asked DD to be temporary supervisor! 22 years old, others in the department with more tenure/experience, but they asked her. I'm not sure if she will do it or not. Any other time would have been no problem, and she would be glad to gain the experience on her resume, but she's not sure she wants the added stress and responsibility (and with no extra pay!) right at this time. I think it will all kind of depend on how soon her boss needs to leave.

I've been watching Rectify on Netflix - so thanks to whoever suggested that one. Good show. I also watched a few episodes of Father Brown. I like it, too, but it's not a type of show I find myself anxiously wanting to watch the next episode and see what happens in the story line. I think it will be something I watch off and on, when just want a quick break and not have to be involved in an ongoing story.

Cherish your loved ones even if they drive you crazy!


  1. Glad you're enjoying Rectify!

  2. Government jobs sometimes have a clause that guarantees extra money if finished on time, and a penalty if not. I have thought this was a good idea. but, the I thought what if they threw the job together to get the bonus. The government is glad to pay for redo, but we could not afford it.

    Maybe your daughter could negotiate for some sort of bonus or temporary raise in pay. They may have asked her because not only can she do the job, but may be so hungry she will do it for less than someone older and more experienced.

    1. She did ask if it comes with a temporary raise and they said no. They are a weird company.

  3. I don't blame your daughter for being on the fence regarding taking on these extra responsibilities. She should receive extra pay for doing so.

    1. they made some comment about "well, it should help during raise time". While they had their reviews a couple months ago, apparently corporate office won't process the raises until like July
