Monday, May 21, 2018

Weekend recap

We did enough to keep busy this weekend, while relaxing at the same time. I just cleaned house a bit Saturday morning. Vacuumed while DH mowed the yard and sprayed for weeds.  Then we went out to the property. There is a small strip of natural grassy area between us and neighbors yard that DH wanted to cut down, so he just took his weed eater and quickly trimmed it all down. I just walked around with the dogs. It's looking a lot "neater" out there at least. They have a couple of hours this morning of work to finish up the slabs for the shop and garage. We have heard nothing from the builder again. DH texted him 2 or 3 times last week. Wednesday he let him know they were ready for the plumber, for some part he needs to do in setting up the water lines, etc. Friday DH texted him that the slabs would be ready for concrete Monday morning. Not even a text acknowledging he got the text. No plumber has shown up, of course.

On the way home we noticed the guy out working, who will be cutting our trees up for lumber. DH thought he might be working on our stuff (he had told him he'd help him) so we stopped and chatted with him. He was working on cutting up some other logs, that unfortunately had sat too many years (like 4) with the bark still on them and they were rotting inside. He also told us the people down the street from him, that just sold their house, well, I guess the lady is looking to buy a house here in town and he said he told her ours was going for sale soon. He said she and her husband are divorcing, so they sold their nice little house. He's moving to a different town and she's staying here in town. Maybe she'll buy our house?! I know their house should be closing soon, because I had already texted with our realtor about's had a for sale sign on it for a couple of months and we were really surprised it hadn't sold yet as it's a very nice place. Realtor said it has sold (it took like 3 weeks) and should be closing soon, and then he'll know how much it sold for (so we can use it as comp). They were asking a pretty high price, for around here, so if they actually got that, that will be good for us and what we can ask.

These are the wildflowers growing every where around here this time of year. This is looking toward the vacant lot next to us.
Yesterday we went to Lowes and got flowers for here at the house. We decided not to put as many around in pots as normal and I spent that money on buying 3 hanging baskets that were already growing well and pretty full. Usually I fill my own hanging baskets, but they never get very full and takes half the summer. I want them to look good for when we (soon?!) get to list our house for sale. They weren't too bad of a price. $22 each. Last year the grocery/hardware store here in town had some really nice hanging baskets that I thought were around $25 each. I checked the other day and they were $33 and they didn't look as good as last year. I just bought enough petunias and lobelia to put in my whiskey barrel and a couple of other pots. Last summer we had a wheel barrow (that had been left in the shop by the old owners) that we put flower pots and big rocks in and set in our back "rock garden" area. DH decided he'd just use the wheel barrow out at the property and we'd skip all the flower planting in it. It needed new front tires (it has two) so we stopped at Harbor Freight and picked some up and now it's usable again. It really wasn't a wheel barrow that looked that great sitting as a yard decoration anyway. It was blue plastic type. A yard one needs to be old and rusted, in my opinion. LOL.  It didn't take long to plant flowers this year. We hung the 3 baskets up and just the planting in the whiskey barrel and few small pots and I was done. But it was enough bending over that my back needed the heating pad.  Gave me a good chance to sit down with it on my back and read a book.  We also bought two day lily plants. Two of the ornamental grass type plants we had planted on the side of our house last year did not make it through the winter. It's hard to know what will or won't. I guess I assumed if they are selling them here, they must be for this type of climate.

We also stopped at the grocery store in the city to stock up on some more water and pop. We hit a really good sale on the cases of water. $1.49 each, so we got 6. 

My neighbor friend across the street texted me early this morning. She's leaving all week for a work thing and her hubby is home and not working due to a bad shoulder that he's waiting to get operated on. She wanted me to babysit him and if we see him weed eating or mowing to go put him in time out. I texted back I'll try but I was having trouble babysitting my own, who is overdoing it and won't listen to me!

In other news (cuz this is a SMALL town) we also learned that our property neighbor lady will be out of a job at the end of summer. The place she works (only 3 work there, I guess) is going to be closing that office here in town. If she wants to stay employed with the company she would have to commute 45 miles to the city.  Maybe she could find something else here in town, but jobs are few and far between around here.  That probably explains why DH thought they were acting very distant the past week or so. Like they were avoiding talking to him, when they see him out there. Of course, he ALWAYS thinks it's something he did or didn't do. I remember commenting at the time (we didn't know about her job yet) "you know, it's not always about YOU. People have other stuff going on in their lives that don't have anything to do with you". He, of course, then admitted I was right. That has most likely been what has been wrong. At least she does have several months to prepare and look for a new job.


  1. The first couple of years I was in this house I made my own hanging baskets too - no more. Like you say, too much work and then they don't bloom for long. I ended up buying them after that!

    1. I know, now I'll probably never want to plant my own again! Mine bloom for a long time, they just never seem to grow out much and hang down. They grow up and out, haha

  2. Get WAVE petunias. They are easy to put in a basket and hang over the sides very soon. Mine even reseeded on the ground and on the basket the next year. It only cost me $6 to have the flowers in the basket and coir I already had. Now, watch, I will never get pretty, full baskets after saying this.

    1. those are the kind I have been using the past few years, but not a lot of luck with them. I mean they do grow and spread out, but not as much as I'd like and don't seem to want to hang down very much. My new ones I bought pre planted are already hanging down and pretty filled out.
