Thursday, May 17, 2018

Can it be Friday today?

DH is completely over doing it. He was at the property almost 11 hours on Monday and when he pulled in he could barely get out of the car. His muscles were so stiff and he couldn't feel his right arm much, it has basically gone numb a couple days before.  After he got inside and sat down his muscles started cramping all over. At one point both his legs went into a cramp at the same time. He was in such pain and crying. There's really nothing one can do for it. I was surprised he slept as well as he did. Usually when doing too much, he'll get woken up with cramping.

He's been trying not to do as much the past two days. Tuesday, since no one showed up until late afternoon, he basically got a break (though mentally Tuesday was probably just as hard for us). He was out there all day yesterday (though less physical work done by him) and of course out there again this morning. It kind of rained all night and he was honestly not expecting anyone to show up today. It hasn't been raining since daylight, so they did show up. This time the excavating co owner guy showed up with his worker.  He apologized to DH for how long this is taking and said he has just taken on too much work. He promises to have our shop and garage floors ready for concrete by tomorrow at the latest.

I've had a headache the past two days I can't seem to get rid of.  Ugh. I wish today was Friday already. I'm looking forward to next week. Our office closes at noon next Friday for the 3 day weekend. The big annual flea market in the next town is that weekend. We had such a good time at it last year and I'm really looking forward to going again and seeing what little treasures we can find (though we have a much smaller budget for anything this year, due to all our building expenses going on). But we should be able to manage $75 budget and see what we find. I'm working M-Turk as much as I can. A few days ago I transferred $28 and am back up to $13.35.  I'll have also earned about $50 in cash back rewards between my credit and debit cards, which will be crediting soon.

I've really been trying to manage our food better. I now have 3 of my regular meals (2 casseroles and meatloaf) that I now split in half and freeze half for another meal. Which I'm finding I really like to have in the freezer on a day I don't feel like prepping a meal. When I buy a loaf of french garlic bread, I freeze half. I have another dinner recipe we eat quite a bit I'm able to cut in half. It's a chicken sandwich ring with crescent rolls, so wouldn't freeze well, but is one I can cut the ingredients in  half.  I save leftovers more often and eat them for lunch. Chips, crackers, and cookies are sealed up good, after opening, so that nothing gets stale. I still throw a lot out, but am pleased that I'm doing better with it all and I'll keep working at it. Though when we have to move into our shop and bascially "camp" there, I'm sure it will all go out the door for 6 months. We'll be eating whatever we can bbq, cook on a hot plate or in a microwave.


  1. Has a doctor ever examined your husband when he is in such bad shape? I haste it when someone half seals a bag of crackers or something. At least the owner showed up, apologized in person, and admitted it was all his fault. That kind of attitude goes a long way with me.

    1. he's been to doctors (neurologists) for every test they could think to do. No one has any answers as to what is wrong with him.

  2. It's amazing how many "free meals" you can rustle up when you set your mind to it isn't it. Hope hubbie feels better, but as Linda said, it might be good for a doctor to have a look at him when he is in the middle of it no?

    1. yes, he's been looked at every which way, but the doctors and tests provide no answers.

  3. It's hard when you're only feeding 2 people. I use "binder clips" to seal bags like cookies, chips, crackers etc. They work great and come in handy.
    I hope your husband is careful. It sounds like he is doing way too much. I'm sure you probably can't say anything to get him to ease up. :0(

    1. we have a bunch of chip clips that are getting used. I try to tell him to not do so much, but you are right he doesn't listen. Even one of his friends stopped by the property yesterday and told him to put the shovel away!

  4. No, this is Thursday! Before you move into the shop, it would be great to have a few dishes cooked up and ready for the microwave. I think I would buy a toaster oven capable of cooking a pie or casserole. It would probably keep your food varied and keep you away from fast food and restaurants.

    1. One of my work friends just suggested about the toaster oven too! That's what her parents got and used when they lived in their shop while house being built. It sounds like a very good idea and they are pretty cheap to buy. No worries on fast food - nearest will be 45 miles away haha! We rarely have fast food anymore. Maybe once a month, sometimes when we are in the city.

  5. I hope your husband feels better soon. The stress of selling our city house, reno our retirement house and some travel lately has my tummy really acting up. I slept 10 hours last night. I needed it. DH and I will be eating what we can think up in an extended stay hotel for 3 months...hotplate, tiny microwave. I am thinking we might get a toasterover too. NOW its Friday - have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you. Good luck with your move and hotel living. it's stressful selling and moving. I'm not super anxious to do it all again.
