Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Stop poking me!

I had my annual physical this morning, so I had fasted and was hungry! No issues or concerns. Apparently gynecological exams are now on a 3 year basis, so I am good on that until next year.  I lost 4 pounds from last year (yay!). Got my flu shot, so there was the first poke.  Now that I am over 50, a colonoscopy was recommended to be done sometime before I am 60..... I think I'll wait a bit doesn't sound very appealing.....I'll schedule my mammogram for next month and be done with that. Then it was time to draw blood. I always have one arm that never works, but can never remember which one it is to tell them.  Then I remembered how awful it was last year when they tried to draw blood! I had 2 pokes in one arm, one in the other and 2 in my hand. 

Well, this visit to the blood lab chair was proving to be no different. She could not find a good vein in either arm (at least she didn't try poking) and decided to do my hand, but that wasn't working either. She got a little blood in one vial (and needed to fill 3) and stopped because it was coming out too slow and was starting to puff up. Then she asked for help from the other guy. Well, as I have experienced in the past, it really does depend on who does it. Right away he found a vein in my right arm and had her use the smallest butterfly and within a minute it was done.

DD has been sick since yesterday. Sounds like the flu. Started with a sore throat and then vomiting. It's so hard to be 130 miles away and have her be sick. I know she just wanted to be home and in her own bed.  She is feeling a bit better this morning and I told her to get some plain crackers (which surprisingly, she already had some) and gatorade. Her roommate is going to bring her some gatorade when she is done with classes this morning.  Poor thing, she is so rarely sick and I know she felt miserable yesterday and last night.  She hates being sick and had to reschedule her appointment to discuss her major application with the department head and an informational meeting last night about the major. She did email someone this morning about it to ask if there was any way she could get the information that was presented and that sounds like it will happen.

We are having a potluck lunch at work tomorrow, so I have signed up to bring my yummy 4 cheese and bacon mac & cheese.  I am so going to pig out on all the food tomorrow :-)


  1. Have you previously posted the yummy 4 cheese and bacon mac & cheese? I don't eat it often, but my DH hates the powdered cheese mix and makes snarky comments every time I make it for me.

    1. I'm sure I have posted the recipe, but here is the link to it:

      there isn't even any comparison between this and boxed m&c :-)

    2. Okay, so I tried the recipe and am now ruined for boxed (convenient!) mac and cheese. Thanks for the recipe link.

    3. I'm so glad you liked it! I took it yesterday for our company potluck lunch. Everyone saw it and was like "oooohhhh" and it was eaten up very quickly.

  2. Re the colonoscopy. Please, please, please .... if your doctor is recommending that you go get one, go do it! Why would you want to wait? Just go do it and get it over with. I have had two and really, it's not that bad. You won't feel a thing and you'll feel so much better when the results come back clear. The spouse had his first colonoscopy last year and he had precancerous polyps removed .... the doc said that those growths most certainly would've turned cancerous. And the spouse is not yet 50 so ...... granted, it's not the most appealing test but it is a lifesaver.

  3. I'm with The Quest. My coworker just had one and cancer was found. She had surgery within the week and is already doing chemotherapy and its been less than a month. Just do it.

  4. I had four pre-cancerous polyps, and I was so not wanting to do it! So, now I am moved up to the three-year schedule rather than the five-year schedule. Do it.

  5. I will get it done, probably next spring/summer. My doctor did not insist it needed to be done anytime really soon. She just said it needed to be done sometime between the age of 50 and 60. "Get it done sometime this decade" she said. I'm going to get through my dental work scheduled for next Jan/Feb, first!

  6. When did pap smears become every 3 years? I have fibroids so maybe that's why I still have them annually? Hope your daughter gets over the flu quickly. It's miserable being sick in a dorm but keep reminding her to stay hydrated. Your contribution to the potluck sounds sinful:). Enjoy!


    1. Rebekah - apparently it was last year about the paps. Every 3 years now, if you have had normal paps. DD is feeling lots better. Her roommate went and got her some Gatorade and she did her best to try and keep fluids in her. She was back at classes today, thanks for asking. Everyone must have liked the mac and cheese. They'd take a look at it and go "ohhhh!" and it's all gone, LOL
