Saturday, November 10, 2012

Stocking up

The great stock up of food and supplies has begun.  We got my mom's old fridge squeezed into the shop last week.  Not much to put in there yet as I'm having to go slow as budget allows and as I find good sales.  Today I was able to add to the freezer 2 packs of hamburger and 2 packs of lunch meat. We drink lots of milk and I can never buy what we drink at one trip because it won't all fit in the fridge so I'm always making a trip for milk later in the week. Smartypants DD reminded me I can put the extra milk out in the shop fridge. Duh!

Last week I stocked up on 3 extra jars of Jif Peanut butter that were on sale for $5 ea. and 10 cans of Del Monte vegetables for .69 ea. and a few jars of Mayo that I got for $1.49 ea. Today I stocked up on 4 jars of Welch's grape jam for $1.27 a jar.

Not much yet, and I still need to start getting a bit more organized on where I'm putting it.  Last night we had a pretty cheap dinner. I hadn't made chicken fried steak in years! The package for 4 pieces was only $5, made up some mashed potatoes with gravy, slices of bread w/butter and some jello and fed the 4 of us for probably $7 total.

Today I have to get over to Target for a few things. I have a $5 giftcard I forgot I had in my wallet, plus I just received a 5% off your shopping day from pharmacy rewards. I need puppy food and treats and a few other items that are on sale and I have coupons. Speaking of store rewards - we recently had .90 cents off per gallon of gas from grocery shopping. DD was thrilled to fill up her tank and even printed out the receipt to show me how much she saved!


  1. Well done! :) I want to start stocking up as well... just gotta get to the grocery store first! ;)

  2. After the weather we've had here in the East it has made me realize I need to start stocking up gain. Since I don't have any type of decent sized pantry in the kitchen I keep my extras on shelves in the basement. Enjoy your extra freezer, they really are great to have.

  3. Nice deals! I stocked up on some 50c canned corn last week. But I really need to organize my pantry first!
