Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Easy diet

I never would have thought the 2 words "easy" and "diet" would go together. I think I mentioned awhile back that DH had started that daily shake diet (Visalus) that a couple we are friends with sell.  And boy do they sell it! She has been able to quit her full time job and sells this as her job now, making more than she did at her job. It seemed worth a shot and the $55 a month (with shipping) would be some what offset by the daily cost of the meal he has been replacing with the shake. For someone who can't exercise this seemed worth a try.

It couldn't be an easier diet! I fix him one banana shake a day (he won't get creative and try different flavors). In the first 30 days he lost 12 pounds. 5 more pounds and he will be under 200 pounds for the first time in years. His pants are getting a bit baggy and he is mentally just happier now that he is loosing some weight and hasn't really had to give up anything else he normally eats.  We don't have to count calories or try to figure out what to make him each day, like when he's tried to diet in the past. There's no whining that he isn't getting enough to eat or that he doesn't like the diet type food (you know, the good stuff - salads, veggies and fruit!) he's made himself eat in the past to try and lose weight. Nope, just a shake instead of his normal lunch of a lunchmeat and cheese sandwich, chips and a pop or lemonade.

It gets even better - now it will be free for DH! If you get 3 people to sign up under you and order the same (or higher) kit, your kit is free each month that they order. Without even trying (DH is NOT a salesman at all) by the end of the first month DH had 3 people sign up. Next month's shake kit will be free, free, free! My mom needs to loose weight and was impressed with DH's weight loss, so she signed up.  He had made a weekly post on his facebook page about how much weight he's lost (not trying to sell the stuff, just excited that it was working at he was losing) and a friend saw it (she has fibromyalgia, also) and she signed up.  Then DS's girlfriend decided to do it.  She really only needs to lose about 10 pounds, but the shakes are so nutritional that she thought it would be a much better (and quick) meal for her for either breakfast or lunch than what she has been eating lately while living on her own now while at college. She has been eating total junk food every day and has gained weight and of course is not eating healthy while she tries to juggle a full load of classes, a part time job, and studying. I'm sure it won't be hard for her to get 3 people to sign up, either and hers will be free soon. She has a huge family and network of friends that would probably try it.

So, all in all this has been a great and now free diet plan for DH!  Can't wait until he can see that scale show under 200 pounds.


  1. That's awesome that it works so great for him! But will the weight come back if he stops taking it?

    1. Lena, that was one of my concerns too, but DH said he'll deal with that if he gets to the point where he looses enough weight to deal with it LOL.

  2. tell your dh well done from me as well....


  3. Can you tell us the website. And maybe give your husbands refer link. I'd love to try this but can't seem to find it online.

    1. Derylk - the website is or Since I'm keeping this blog anonymous I'll not give out DH's link, but I'm sure you can order through that site or use it to find someone in your area who sells it. Sellers will give you samples so you can try it out first.

    2. Thanks for the info. I'm hoping to find someone in my area who sells so i can sample it. I work in the medical field and pull 12 hour shifts all the time and we really don't get a chance for lunch or anything so this would be great while on the move with patients.

    3. Derylk - with the sounds of your schedule the shake would be easy for you! The hubby half of our friend couple that sells this has a regular full time job and he is doing 2 shakes a day (I think he's lost like 35 pounds in the last 6 months). He makes 2 at one time, has one for breakfast before he leaves and then takes the other on with him to work and puts it in the fridge until lunchtime. The shakes are very filling and my DH says he doesn't feel as hungry between his lunch and dinner anymore.

  4. That is great news!!! Hope those numbers keep going down

  5. Rooting for your DH! Going to look at that website ....
