Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One present done!

Got a Christmas present out of the way! Only it wasn't one I am giving - darn!  DD has been wanting to get DH a new Carhartt jacket for Christmas. His is quite old and finally wearing out. I told her they are going to be at least $100 in any store around here and maybe find something a bit cheaper online. She was going to see if her brother wanted to go in half since they are so expensive.

I was scanning my usual online sites this morning and slickdeals.net had a 40% off coupon for the Carhartt outlet. They had a jacket DH would like that was regularly $100 on sale for $75, so with the additional 40% off and free shipping it was only $45! I texted DD real quick and made sure she still wanted to get that as a gift and snagged it up. They were going quick.


  1. Wow! That's an awesome deal. Over 50% off. Great deal! And hey, hopefully they let you add your signature to the Christmas card, since you did contribute a little.

  2. Great money savings. Don't you love it LOL

  3. Thank you so much!!! I was able to get one for my son and my husband. 2 more presents down!

    Thanks again for sharing

  4. The earlier you start (shopping) the better your chances are of finding great deals before everything sells out! Great find on the DH gift! Just be sure to pass on to the kids HOW you found that great deal - you want them to be as frugal as you are!

  5. Don't you love it when you wait to buy something and that patience pays off? I used to want to buy things in the moment because I couldn't stand to wait. Now that I'm a little older and a little more patient I find that waiting for the right sale isn't so bad, and it saves me a ton of money.

  6. J udy - glad you were able to take advantage of the deal too!
    Susie Q - yes, I told DD how I got the deal :)

  7. This is a sweet deal! Nice job!!
