Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A few gifts off the list and other savings

Work was just a half day for me today. When I first got up this morning I did some Black Friday shopping! Yes, on Wednesday, at home, in my jammies. Kohl's is offering their Black Friday deals online, starting today.  There was a couple of things DD had on her wish list from Kohl's and I was so pleased to get good deals. If I spent $50 I get $15 in Kohl's cash back and free shipping. I also had a 20% off coupon, so I really needed to spend $62.50 to be at the $50 level after the discount.

My prices after discount:
3 piece PJ set (she wants some that have shorts, too) - reg. $40 for $15.99 (gift for DD)
Simply Vera slippers - reg. $34.00 for $7.99  (gift for DD)
Picture Frame - reg. 15.99 for $5.13 (gift for son's GF)
King sized alternative down comforter - reg. $119.99 for $21.59

The comforter is for ME! I've been looking for something new for our bed to replace the old, dirty (too big for washing machine and I hate going to laundry mat) comforter. The reviews on it were very good and the price was awesome. I'm still going to look for a duvet cover that I can remove and wash easier than a heavy bulky comforter, though from the sounds of the reviews, those with king size were able to fit it in their washer since it's not real thick and heavy.

I'm waiting for DH's doctor office to call back. Since being on this 2 week trial of another fibromyalgia medicine he is really having trouble urinating. Nothing much will come out and what little does takes forever. Seems to be getting worse every day and especially since he upped the dosage for this past week. From looking online it can be a side effect, apparently. This mornings dose was the last of the 2 week trial pack and I dropped the actual prescription off at the pharmacy yesterday (not knowing about this problem). They were out and will have it in today, but now I'm not sure what to do about it. Wait to hear back from Dr.'s office I guess. It's $128 so I don't want to go pick it up if the Dr. is going to say stop taking it. If I don't hear back by this afternoon, I think I'll call the pharmacist and see what he thinks.

Other savings this week:
$30 off the prescription with savings card (if I actually end up refilling it)
Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast bowl - .22 after coupon
GE Reveal 4 pack lightbulbs - .19 after coupons (I got 2)
UP an UP Alum foil (2) .79 each


  1. great deals on those Christmas gifts and your comforter.


  2. Great deals - I LOVE Kohl's!! We have one just a few miles from us, and I love to go in there! Although I don't dare go anywhere near the malls this weekend at all! I use to love Black Friday - but now that I've hit 50 I say I'm too old!! ha ha Just don't have the energy for it. Much easier to shop from the comfort of your own home without having to fight over parking spaces, etc!

    RE the husband prescription, if you don't hear from the doctor, I'd just have them fill the Rx for enough pills to get you through till Monday or Tuesday (Then you don't have to pay for all of them if you won't be needing them!) and DH won't have to stop taking them until you hear from doctor. Just a thought.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family!

  3. The Dr. office did call back and kind of left it up to DH. Said if it wasn't severe to keep on the med and the side effect would probably decrease with tolerance to the med. If it got too severe to stop it and come back in. DH is going to keep trying, but we'll more than likely end up back at the doctors next week.

    We have a new Kohl's store not much more than a mile from us - it is nice to have even if I don't shop much for clothes and stuff during the rest of the year. I might go in there later on Friday to use a $5 off any purchase coupon I got in the mail. Figured by noon it will probably be pretty cleared out, LOL. I'm sure I can find something for one of my neices with it.
