Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekend plans

Last night Dd and I went to watch her high school put on a musical - Oh My! What a bunch of talented young people! It was really good and we enjoyed our "evening out".  I got up early and got going this morning.  I'm going to try something new.  I am sick of grocery shopping every week! So, I wrote out a menu for 2 weeks (that was hard in itself, for me) and tried to buy enough food, other than milk, bread and produce, to last 2 weeks.  Then I only have to make a quick trip or two to refill on the fresh stuff. I'm sure it will take me a few tries to make sure I am buying enough for 2 weeks but boy, am I looking forward to next Saturday morning (or sometimes I go Friday afternoons) when I don't have to grocery shop for the week.  I've been pretty much doing once a week grocery shopping since I was 20 years old. Part habit, part from the years of being paid weekly and that's all I could afford.

Dh has been watching Craigslist for some racking units he wants for out in our garage/shop. It's been in the budget for a couple of months.  He's seen them for around $200, but wanted to keep watching to see if something cheaper showed up.  He found some yesterday for $125.  Plus it's about 5 times more than he needs, so he should be able to resell the extra and get quite a bit to offset the $125 spent.  They are picking them up right now and will give Dh a project to keep him busy for the weekend.  When he has stuff to keep his mind busy, he doesn't notice the pain so much.  Our landscape project we are using the tax refund money towards will start in about 2 weeks.  He has a friend who will work very cheap to do the machinery work with a little dozer.

I got all my errands done this morning, so I should not have to drive anywhere else this weekend and spend any money on gas. It's hit $4 a gallon around here.  I want to make some brownies this afternoon, so I probably better get busy on that before I end up wanting to take a nap instead!


  1. We are getting pretty close to 4.00 here also. It is really curbing my driving and we are also looking to trade in our minivan.

    1. I saw your post about the minivan. A Ford Focus sounds like a good car. A year ago I switched from a car getting 20 mpg to one that gets 30mpg. It's saved me quite a bit in gas and I'm really going to appreciate having it if gas goes even higher.

  2. Gas is 4.30 here but my son's gf says she's seen 5.25 in Los Angeles. It's ticking up towards $7 a gallon. I go grocery shopping once a week but wish I could go once a month. Maybe that's something I'll begin working on soon .......

    1. Wouldn't it be nice to shop once a month! I am going to start with 2 weeks and see how that goes. I'll bet I could once a month shop when the kids are out of the house and it's just me and Dh
