Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A little of this - a little of that

I guess it is the little things that add up.  So far this week I've received or done the following:

 - whopping $1.08 dividend check received on 4 shares of stock I still somehow have from a company I worked for long ago.  I usually just deposit into checking and it disappears. I will put into savings for a very teeny snowflake.  I should just see how much those 4 shares are worth and figure out how to get rid of them.  I don't even think I have the actual shares paperwork, it's been so long ago.

- Free lunches at work Monday and Tuesday so I didn't need to spend anything on my sack lunch.  Brought home some leftovers from Monday's lunch, which is Dd's favorite (chicken pesto penne) and she had for dinner last night, I was still full from the big lunch so just had a small snack later in the evening and Dh, of course, had to have Wendy's (no frugal bone in his body). 

- Saved the leftovers from Monday's dinner and had for lunch today.

- Received a $5 Amazon giftcard from Swagbucks.

- mailed the 2 vehicle tab registrations, that are due, in early enough so that I didn't have to go into the local licensing office and pay the extra $5 (per car) processing fee.  (side note: it's nice to finally have the funds available to pay early!)

- $10.10 check from Ebates from 2 Christmas present purchases.  Will deposit into savings, instead of checking

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