Thursday, February 2, 2012

How the pie is sliced

Thanks to Tanner at Working For a Goal, I figured out how to cut and paste my colorful pie chart from into my blog.  So, here's my January:

I still have some "tweaking" to do with Mint's categories.  The "Home" category includes my mortgage payment, but is not including my Home Equity Loan payment, nor is the "Auto" category showing my car payment.  Apparently it is not picking up loan payments as "Spending".


  1. At this point, think about whether you want a streusel-topped pie (my favorite) or a lattice topped pie. (Or a solid top-crust pie which I don't show here, but should be easy to figure out on your own.) You do not double a one-crust recipe to make a pie with a top crust, or you'll have too much crust. But you can double a one-crust recipe for two pie shells.

  2. Is it just me? I can't quite see it. Did you upload it from Blogger's dashboard? You could also host it on someplace like or photobucket and post us the link. We're almost there.

    1. I don't know Tanner! I can see it. I'll have to look from my kids computers and see. I just did a cut and paste into my draft as I was typing it.

    2. It seems to be viewable on Firefox but not IE. Which of course, is now getting beyond my computer skills

    3. How odd. When you're editing your Blogger post (in "Edit HTML" or "Compose" tab, do you click the little image icon and find the photo you took in your hard drive? I could walk you through it if you want. I do have IE, but I'll try FF later today at home.

    4. No, I just did a cut and paste of the image directly into the post. I'll see if I can edit it and try it your way.

  3. I think it's fixed now. I can see the pie chart using IE. Thanks for the help Tanner!

  4. It would be something like:
    Print Screen the image > Paste it somewhere (Word, Paint, Powerpoint, etc) > Right-click image and Save as Image > Save it somewhere in your hard drive where you can find it (like My Documents > Pictures) > Get on Blogger, editting your post > Either Edit HTML/Compose tab > click the little image icon > Browse for your photo where you saved it in your hard drive > Click ok. Post the post. Hopefully that helps.

    1. Spoke too soon. Looks great! So colorful. :)

  5. You had me a pie.......Mmmmmmm..... ;-)

    If I spent as much as you on food and dining, I'd be having a seizure about
    But I'm just cheap I guess and I'm only feeding 3 people these days.

    1. Ya, the food and dining looks bad...and the fast food/take out portion is. But the rest is a little misleading as it includes all misc purchases at Walmart and Target (like toilet seats, LOL). I'll try to do better in February to break out my receipts into more categories. Then I won't be choking thinking I spent $833 on just food!
