Thursday, February 23, 2012

Suburb Girl

I am not looking forward into going into work today.  I got an email yesterday afternoon from one of the company owner's that he needs me to go into the city and pick up and pay for a permit. I HATE driving downtown! The last time I had to drive down there was a few years ago to pick up some paperwork from his attorney's office. I had no warning about it so I was all frazzled, had on high heels and had to walk blocks from the parking garage, in the rain and then I didn't have directions to get back to our office.

At least this time I am more prepared. I have printed directions there and back (lots of one way streets, so the way there isn't always the way back). I have put on comfortable shoes and rain jacket (it's raining again). I'm sure I'll be driving around the block a few times (it's on one way street) to find where to park but at least this time I'm not on a timed appointment of when I need to pick it up - all the way up on the 22nd floor....somewhere in a big huge building.

My boss did email that "one of us would do it tomorrow", so maybe she'll take pity on me and go pick it up. I am not a city girl!


  1. Good luck! I'm not a fan of city driving either.

  2. That would have to suck on your first time, but you can only get better from thereon! Hopefully they're not planning on making this into a habit... I absolutely hate driving cities. I'm honestly surprised I have not had my car collide with other people's cars while driving. I swear they adhere to the .01 second rule instead of the 4sec rule!

  3. Oh, I hate city driving! Good luck today!

  4. Whew! I don't have to go. My boss said she would do it as she also has to go out and buy a tv for our conference room.

  5. Win win! New TV AND not driving to town.
