Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tuesday this and that

I made it through Monday. My back is feeling ok....as long as I don't over do it or do a lot of bending over or lifting something a little heavy. So, not all the way back to normal. I did take my lunch break yesterday and make dh some cupcakes for his birthday (pulling out the kitchenaid mixer from the pantry was heavy to lift, ugh) and then used the other half of my lunch hour to lay down on the heating pad. I also used the heating pad here at my office chair off and on throughout the day, which I think helped. And speaking of the cupcakes....if someone made me cupcakes for my birthday I'm pretty sure I'd say thank you!.....Typical guy, I guess.

I remembered last night that my mom and I have our quarterly conference call with her investment guy at 1pm today. I almost forgot and my first thought was oh, I forgot to tell her, but then I realized it wouldn't have mattered if I had told her about it yesterday or last week, I'd have to call her this morning to remind her about it again. His calls usually only take about 10 minutes or so. He just gives an update on how she did the previous quarter and tells of 2-3 stocks he'd like to buy for her and we say, ok. LOL. Then a month or two later, something will come up with my mom about her investment account and she'll mention this guy (though she doesn't seem to usually be able to remember his name anymore) and say "I haven't talked to him in forever" and I'll have to say, well, he does call us every quarter and give an update.

Our old "good neighbor" we had for over 20 years, called dh last night to wish him a Happy Birthday, so they talked for an hour or so. He always remembers dh's birthday, even it's just with a text. DD called him yesterday morning and facetimed with him.

My next mortgage statement posted for me to view and they still haven't reversed that $2070 credit that somehow got posted when they took over the loan. 

My desk is a complete disaster. I really need to clean it off. I think it's contributing to my "don't feel like working" mood of late! That will be on my to do list today. I literally only have the space in front of me between my keyboard and the edge of my desk that isn't covered! Seriously bad! 

Well, now it's been another 3 weeks since I contacted cabinet lady and she told me she does have our new cabinet now, but trying to find out from her installers when they can come out and install it. Ridiculous. I'm tempted to just seriously not contact her again and see how long it takes.......and then when she hasn't contacted me for months again, I'll forward my last email with her to her regional guy, LOL. Obviously she had to pay for this cabinet with her mfg, you'd think she'd want to get it installed so she can get paid for it from me.

I think dh is just about done with his pick up truck update. The transmission stuff he ordered came last night (UPS is usually late in the day for us) and he will change the fluids today and hopefully be good to go. He's also installing some extra gauges on the dash that I think he's still working on. At least it's been something keeping him busy the past few weeks and hopefully now he's done ordering parts LOL.

He needs a new pair of tennis shoes, so I just got those ordered. He always has 2 pair of the same kind. One for everyday, get dirty, wear, and one for "nice" wear. When he finally wears out his everyday pair I order a new pair and he rotates. He tried to keep that old pair going a little longer....with duct tape, LOL.  I also just had to get him like 3 new pairs of jeans that came last week. He literally wears them out until they rip and get holes in the crotch area (why?? LOL) and they always seem to fall apart at the same time. He just wear Wrangler relaxed fit jeans, so they are pretty inexpensive to replace. I'm really liking the new jeans I ordered from Kohl's and I just got a 30% off coupon in the mail, so I think I'll see about ordering another pair in a different color. Plus, I have $5 Kohl's cash to use this month. And I still need to get the slip on casual shoes I ordered from them that don't really fit well, returned. I'll just take them to the store one of these days I'm in the city, rather than paying shipping to return. I do have to go in on the 30th to take my mom for a dr. appt, so we'd be fairly close to Kohl's.

My mom cracks me up. When we chat on the phone (daily) she will tell me she's does her "walking up and down the halls" for exercise - because it's just too hot to do it outside now, even in the mornings. LOL. Ummm...it's like 55 degrees outside right now at almost 10am LOL. I used to say oh, it's nice and cool out today, but I just agree with her now, haha.

Well, shoot. I usually have our receptionist at the office mail me postage stamp pages for when I have to mail out stuff for work. I'm out. I found an old label sheet I had when cleaning out my old work tote bag, so thought I'll just print out a page here from home, as I have the log in for the stamps program. Well, poop, it won't recognize my printer. It lists like every printer at the office, even the satellite office printer, but won't recognize mine. I even tried to log in from my personal desktop, not remotely, but it still only shows the office printers. Oh well, worth a try. Receptionist is still working from home, so I'll just have my boss put a printed sheet of stamps in the mail to me one of these days.

I'm sure she's going to forget by 1pm that we have this call to do, even though I just told her. I will call her about 10 minutes before and remind her. She even said "I should just let you start handling this call".


  1. Glad you are feeling a little better. Now listen to yourself & behave.:)
    Your mom is something else. Maybe she should just let you handle everything. lol

    1. It finally dawned on me that she apparently thinks she should be getting outside, but she obviously doesn't want to because every time she mentions it she has a weather excuse, LOL.

  2. If she has dementia, it does not matter what she signs because she is not capable of making decisions according to law. I know you know this, so how do you go about making it legal to take over everything? And, how can a business expect a person with dementia to participate in her money matters? Just curious, not criticizing. So, I wonder if she exercises in the hall or just thinks she does. ???

    1. from my understanding the POA I have is what made it legal for me to take over everything as she gets worse. For now, she still understands the why/how of things, she just has no memory that she just did it, if that makes sense. I suppose if someone wanted to challenge my POA to make decisions for her they would have to take me to court and have me declared unfit and get someone else or the court assigned. ?? I think she does walk the halls, she mentions it ever day and has often said that people will see her in the hall and say "oh out doing your walk?"
