Friday, June 4, 2021

A full pantry and fridge again

Around lunch time yesterday I told dh we were out of most of our regular food stuffs and so I put in a Walmart order and was going to pick it up after work. "Tonight??!!" Omg, you'd think I was doing something crazy. LOL. Yes, this evening. I pick up at 6.  We needed groceries last week/weekend, but I didn't have any room in my car when I went in to get all the flowers. I kept waiting all this week, hoping the flooring company would say oh we did order your transition strips and found them in back, so I could kill 2 birds with one stone, but that is not going to happen. They never ordered them.

So, we needed food! LOL. I'd rather go get it done than have to make a trip into town (20 miles RT) to get  a few things to tide over until Saturday, and then have to make the trip in to the city Saturday morning. I'd rather have my Saturday to do other things, like clean house, etc. I don't know why dh thinks everything is such a big deal, LOL. I looked when my last grocery pick up was and I haven't gotten groceries (other than a few things at the store in town a week ago) in almost 4 weeks! The fridge was literally empty and there was hardly anything in the freezer. 

It's not like it's winter and dark at 4pm. The sun doesn't go down until almost 9:30pm - I know because I go to bed a little before that and the sun in still shining through our bedroom windows that face the river, LOL. It's not like there is rush hour traffic to deal with. It's a 45 minute drive. He decided he had to drive me, because it's the big bad city and it's "evening". (omg). So, a stop at Wendys for dinner, pick up our order and we were back home in just over 2 hours. We have food again. Yay!

When I placed the online order I charged it to the card I always charge it to. It didn't go through and then at the same time I got a text wanting me to confirm that charge and another one I made before that (for stamps), so I replied Y and then I was able to put my order through with Walmart (this was around noon). We get to Wendy's, I hand over the card and it's declined. What the heck?! I got online when I got back home and there was a PayPal message on my account to call. They had put my account on hold to verify the Walmart and stamps transactions. Ok sure....what was the text for then and it let the Walmart go through after that, but not a $20 Wendy's charge? It's all "released" now. Why couldn't they have just texted me right then to ok it, like they did with the Walmart charge.

Our older couple friend with Covid are doing better. Well, she definitely is. She is home and feeling much better. She's starting to post on FB again and she often sends me funny chicken meme's and she sent me one yesterday afternoon, so I was happy to see that from her. Her hubby got transferred for like a month of "rehab" several hours from them, but he is improving. 

We're having a big thunder and lightning storm this morning. A little rain, too. I like listening and watching, I just hope the power doesn't go out, since I'm working. My dog woke up with me this morning and is limping on one leg a bit. What now?! I think he might have played with the neighbor dogs while dh was out chatting with Mr. Neighbor after we got back with groceries, so I'm hoping that is all it is, just over did it. I was putting groceries away and dh was bringing them in from the car and then he stopped (he was over at the fence talking) and out of the corner of my eye I see a yellow lab in our laundry room. For a split second it was like I was seeing our dog that passed away recently. It was neighbors yellow lab, dh had left all the doors open, LOL. Then in comes their other yellow lab. 

My mom called yesterday afternoon. It was wanting to get online with her bank account again. It's always the same conversation. "I'm trying to get online to see my bank account but I'm having some trouble. What's my user id?". I don't know if she tried too many times or what, but once I finally (after repeating myself 10 times) got her to enter her user id, it then wanted to text or call her a code. Well, her phone no longer gets texts and if she hangs up from me to get the call, she'll forget what she was doing as soon as I hang up from her. I need to get with the bank and change the ph#'s to mine, not hers. I can see her account when I log in to my checking, as it is linked (I use my log in), so I told her how much is in there and said looks like you went to Walgreens today? She hesitates a second (trying to remember) and then said oh yes, she went with her guy friend and got a few things. That's good, though. Who knows what she bought for $72! LOL. Because usually when I take her and she has her list, it's filled with stuff we just bought the last trip and she doesn't need, so I'm always telling her, oh you don't need still have some in your cabinet, we just bought that last time, etc. She says I just want to make sure I have enough in there, and I said yes, you are good. There is a little under $10k in there right now. I told her (as I always do) that it's linked to my checking and I look at it every day. She says "well, I usually do to, but for some reason am having trouble figuring out how to get on to see it". I had to chuckle to myself! No, you usually do not look at it. LOL.

A couple years ago our accounting software discontinued their nice and easy online bill pay feature. It was linked through our software and I just clicked on what bills I wanted to pay and done. Now, to pay bills online, I have to do it through our online banking, so basically it's double entry for me. I have to enter and mark the bills as paid in the accounting program and then enter them all in the online banking system. It annoys the hell out of me. Our IT company bills us numerous invoices each month. So, I have to enter like 10 invoices in the online banking, so that the vendor knows what invoices I am paying. Well, I'm trying something new. I just entered one total amount in online banking and emailed the vendor a/r dept a report I ran of what invoices I was paying to them. Much faster. I will probably start doing that with vendors I have multiple invoices to pay on.

ok, the thunder and lightning seems to have stopped. I need to go put something in the mailbox now, so I think it's safe to walk around outside, LOL.


  1. I suppose it is good he is being protective. Maybe you could tell your mother that only one person can access her account, so it needs to be you. It shocks me I can think up these lies so easily!

  2. Those conversations with your mom are starting to be a bit like a circular firing squad aren't they, but I'm glad you she has you to look out for her! I'm also glad your friends are doing better (if slowly)!

  3. I miss thunder and lightning storms like we had when we lived in the southwest and Florida. I would sit on my lanai and watch the show. The PNW storms do not compare. I guess that's the tradeoff for low humidity!
    A fully stocked pantry is a good feeling.
