Monday, June 7, 2021

It's Monday anyway

Whether I'm ready or not, it's Monday. My back continues to improve. Yesterday was still hurting if I bent over, but not as bad as Saturday. You don't realize how often you bend over during a day, until you really can't! I just took it easy yesterday and used the heating pad off and on. I was waking up from a nap around 3:30 and kept hearing an engine revving. It sounded like it was either out in front of our place or at the neighbors. It just kept going. I got up and looked out the front door to see dh standing at the edge of the shop driveway out front looking across the road and I could see a vehicle on the other side of the trees. I walked out to ask him what was going on (as I was walking out there I noticed our neighbor had his garage door to his quad and mowers open, as their garage is on the side of their house). DH said he didn't know, but some asshole over there for the last 15 or 20 minutes just revving his engine. This is just the dirt road on state/fed land that people can use to access back up into the mountains. He was just parked there on the dirt road (literally feet from the main road, with some trees in between). Then he stopped. We went back in the shop for a minute and were coming back out and hear another engine running, sounded like a quad over there. We're like well, so much for a peaceful Sunday. Then we hear the quad coming back down neighbors driveway. It was Mr. Neighbor (we didn't hear him leave when we went inside the shop). He was annoyed by the constant engine revving, so he hopped on his quad to go see what the heck was going on. Some young guy, by himself, thinking he was having fun, I guess. Mr. Neighbor asked him if it was necessary to do that right in front our our houses and could he maybe just drive up the forest service road a bit and get up over the hill where there are no homes, for miles and miles? Mr. Neighbor told us he had been outside spraying for weeds and kept hearing the engine revving and thought if the guy is not done by the time he's done spraying he's going over there. So, it was nice that it didn't have to be dh, for a change. When you live where the nearest other neighbors are a  mile away and it's usually so dang peaceful, something like what that kid was doing is so loud! Plus, we're in this canyon type area, where it's just is louder. As we are standing there talking to Mr. Neighbor, about 5-10 minutes into our conversation, the kid turns his car stereo on really loud. We just looked at each other, like are you serious? Then he turned it right down and not much later, he did leave. He told Mr. he was "camping" there and Mr. said well for how long?? Apparently he's a local kid, as Mr. said the kid recognized Mr, but Mr. didn't know who he was. Mr. has done some subbing at the schools a year or two ago, so he thought he probably recognized him from that.

I had called my mom on Saturday morning. I figured I was going to probably be laying down and/or napping most of the day, so wanted to get the daily call done. Of course I told her about my back, but I figured she wouldn't remember. Sure enough she called me Saturday afternoon, most likely forgetting we had talked earlier. It was when we were at the car show for that half hour or so. By the time we got home 20 minutes after she called I didn't call her back. She would have forgotten by then that she even tried to call me and what she called about, and since she didn't leave a message, I'm sure it was nothing important. When I talked to her yesterday she didn't remember my back or that she tried to call, of course. She kind of said again, that her guy friend is now more just a friend then a boyfriend, but I'm sure that will change again, LOL.

The weather has cooled down to sunny, but now in 60's and 70's. Much nicer. DD said they had some sort of animal inside their old chimney. When their house got flipped, the flippers took out the fireplace, but apparently didn't do a good job of blocking the pipe or whatever coming out of the roof. They called someone to come get it out. They charged $79 for the visit/estimate and then told them they couldn't do anything! They have some sort of vacuum type hose to put down the pipe and told them it probably wouldn't work and that their best option is to cut a hole in their ceiling drywall and let it fall out. They were figuring it was either a mouse or a squirrel. DD and her dh cut the hole and a starling bird flew out into their house! DD said it startled her so bad, LOL. So, now they have to patch the hole and fix the way the bird got in their in the first place. She did sell another hall tree yesterday, so I guess some of that money paid for the stupid visit to tell them they couldn't get the critter out.

The birds that use the bird bath have arrived. We also finally saw 2 bald eagles sitting on the nest last evening. We have not seen birds there for months now. Not sure if it's same 2 or not, but we are hoping they are back now. 

That adequan injection stuff I gave the dog 2x for 4 weeks (and now monthly) doesn't really seem to be working as well as just those advil type pills did. That's discouraging. I'm going to give him another week or so and see, and then call the vet and see what they think. I'm thinking just put him back on the other. Now, the past several days, when he runs a bit (or played a little with one of the neighbors dogs) he starts limping on his back right leg.


  1. While it's not as bad as you, we have a young neighbour who's an AH most of the time, revving his engine and so on, but the worst is he drives around like a lunatic in our little built up area. We just pray he never hits a child (or anyone else for that matter)!

    1. that would be annoying. I know it's different. Like when we lived in town, even though it was pretty quiet (except for that jerk neighbor working on cars until 2 am every night) you kind of expect noises. But, out here 10 miles from town and hardly any homes it shouldn't be this noisy all the time, LOL.

  2. I hope the kid goes away. We have a neighbor in this neighborhood who is always revving something with loud music and the teen has friends who visit and do the same!

    Poor dog! I feel the same way about my aches and pains. I hope working this week does not irritate your back.

    1. He did leave about an hour later. But if it's not him, it will be someone else...that evening we had some old camper type van pull down our street (dead end private road). Could they pull into the first house's (Mr. Neighbor) driveway and back out. No, they had to come down to our driveway and back in...right up to the gate, to turn around. And pulled off into our landscaped area to do it.

    2. Put huge boulders or at least big rocks on the sides of the driveway to stop people from getting off the driveway to turn around. People don't put those huge rocks by drives because they love the look! Or, maybe some of those strips to puncture tires. Okay, I can just fantasize, can't I?

    3. We were fantasizing about various "methods" too, LOL.
