Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thursday this and that

We received our annual property tax notice yesterday. Our assessed value went up $13000, which I would have estimated our taxes to go up about $120 a year, but they are only going up $63. It is strange though, that dh went back to the state property tax website and all those new assessed values he had seen were all removed now. I also noticed, when looking at my new mortgage account online, that they have a section of the payment screen where you can also add a payment to escrow, if you want. I think I will add that $63 sometime before the first half of the increased property taxes are due in November. Might as well cover the shortage, rather than have to cover it via the monthly payment, when they do the escrow adjustment.

Mrs. Neighbors peonies are big and blooming, so she gave me handful of some she cut, to put in a vase. I'm still waiting for the 2 buds on my 2 small peonies to bloom, LOL. I can only hope one day mine are as big and as many blooms as she gets and I can cut the flowers for vases. Hey, at least they lived through to this year and are getting bigger and look like they will have a few flowers on them at some point, haha.

My back is still a bit out of sorts, but just a tiny bit. Now it's my left knee! LOL. I've had that happen before, most often when I used to work in the office and for no reason I'd be going down the stairs to the first floor and one of my knees would bother me every so often. Day before yesterday I walked down the stone steps dh built into the rockery. Then when I was going down the steps in side the house it started bothering me. I went to ride my bike to the mailbox yesterday and it was hurting. Last night I was bending it back and forth and sounds like gravel in my knee. I hate getting old.

It sure is easier just having my mom's checkbook. I can only imagine how far behind she would be recording transactions by now. Her checking is linked to mine so I see hers when I log in each morning to look at mine. I was able to see her Verizon payment posted today and record that quickly. I'll also be able to mail out a check from her to dd's husband for his upcoming birthday, rather than wonder if she did...if she sent it twice or what. Just makes life easier this way.When I go in to see her Saturday we'll pick up a birthday card for him she can sign and we'll add the check to mail with it.

I'm working up a grocery list so I can make an order and pick up Saturday. It won't be super large, but tide me over until I'm back in the city on the 29th and can pick up more. Then I won't be back there until July 10th, most likely, when dd is in town and we go in to visit my mom for part of the day. I keep wanting something to snack on most days, but I don't know what! I walk in the pantry and there's nothing I want. The chips and trail mixes don't sound good (I rarely eat chips). I keep thinking tapioca pudding sounds good, but I don't want to use up 3 cups of my milk to make it, haha. Or any pudding. Maybe I'll make cupcakes or brownies.

DH did the work of figuring out where he wants to drive to each day and the motels he wants to stay at on the 3 nights trip to Texas, so at least I didn't have to do that. I just have to get them booked. I also decided it would probably be a good idea to add AAA roadside assistance. Plus, usually you can get discounts at motels with AAA.


  1. Growing old is not for sissies, that's for sure!
    I love tapioca but I've never made it. Do you use a mix or do you have a recipe?

    1. I use the "minute" tapioca in the box. Takes awhile to stand there and keep stirring while it slowly comes to a boil, but tastes so good :). I have tried all milks and prefer whole. Seems to set up better

    2. I guess that would be with pudding mixes. I will look for it.
      Thanks :)

    3. yes, with the pudding/baking stuff. The brand is Kraft, red box.

  2. I packed some sweet cherries for a snack for the beach today. Fresh fruit in season is a treat. I also like to snack on almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts (not salted, raw). And as for getting old, yes I am with you. My grandma used to say growing old sucked big time. Lol!

    1. I have some peanuts type stuff with a couple different trail mixes I have but they don't sound good to me on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I have a sweet tooth.

  3. I usually don't know what I did to make a knee or foot hurt. If I knew what makes me hurt, I might not do it. I love peonies but don't have any yet.

    1. Me either on what I did to make it hurt. You'd think with all the up and down stairs I do all day my knees would be all use to it.

  4. I can realte tot the kneee issues. I don't know if I'll be able to hold off the years they want to do a knee replacement.

    1. ugh, that doesn't sound fun. My Mrs. Neighbor had hers replaced. Or maybe it was her hips, but I'm pretty sure it was knees.

  5. you might want to put app on your phone (if you have a smartphone). Their rates are usually pretty good.

    1. thanks for the tip. Will probably do that for coming home, as we will probably just be winging it and driving until we feel like stopping and looking for somewhere to stay for the night.
