Thursday, June 3, 2021

This and that

I am getting so tired of business's not following through and not calling back. Cabinet lady...still...she told me 2 weeks ago she has my new cabinet in and would let me know last week when they can come and install. We are now 6 weeks past when she told me it would be in and she'd schedule install.  Flooring people. Someone was supposed to call me back Tuesday to let me know if the 2 transition strips ever got ordered or what the status is. The only one who has been calling dh almost daily is the HVAC guy, to see how the humidity level is doing.

It's hot here now. 93 yesterday and same today. Saturday it's only supposed to get to 66.  It's already 66 this morning at 8:30 LOL. I have a couple of things I need to put in the mail for my side job this morning. I think I'll try out the new gate opener and ride my bike down to the mailbox.

Dh just keeps having to order more and more parts for his pick up update project, LOL. Of course, one thing just leads to another and now this $2000 project is getting close to $3000. Well, still WAYYYY cheaper than a new one, eh?

Well, I guess I don't know how to put the gate into "party" mode so it stays open while I pedal on down to the mailbox and back. It closed on me, but I had taken the remote with me so I was able to open it again without having to get off the bike and go around to the keypad, LOL. 

DH is mowing the lawn again, today. I think He made it 5 or 6 days in between this time. He (and Mr Neighbor) are running out of places to put the clippings. We don't have garbage service for yard waste, here. He puts as much as he can in our bin. Then spreads what he can, but not too thick, out in the area between our street and the main road (so does Mr neighbor in front of his place) and the rest he tries to spread out down the river bank (per ok from the county weed control guy).

I guess, while the office(s) are moving back to having staff work in the office, it's currently a hybrid format, and we still do not have our half day Fridays (every other Friday) put back in place. I doubt we will have those again, is my guess. I sure miss those. It was so convenient to use that afternoon a couple times a month to go into the city for errands and groceries, without having to use my weekend time, or take time off work, if I needed to do something in the city that required me to use a weekday. I do see that the "tracking" of whether people are vaccinated are not is happening in the workplace, at least for our company.  

I don't know what is going on with Walmart online grocery order. I'm trying to add everything to my cart so I can pick up sometime soon. I had just about everything in my cart and the total was over $300 and then suddenly my total went down to $200. They are now showing "out of stock" on almost half of my items in my cart! It then lets me re-add, but after a minute shows them out again. Frustrating. They literally cannot be out of half the items I need.


  1. 93 degrees! Oh my!
    I don't know how you manage your two jobs and refinancing and insurance issues and everything else. My head starts swimming just reading all you deal with some days. You always manage to figure it out and get it all together but dang!!
    I'm not sure if you have finished Big Sky. Some things they skip over but creepiness stays high. I don't know if I'll watch next season.
    It is amazing that the shooter has been quiet since your dh visit. Could that be all he needed?
    I went to Walmart on Tuesday and they were out of everything after the Memorial Day weekend. Unbelievable. Completely not stocked. I have to go back. Oh well...

    1. My side job boss just emailed me what her day was like. I was like OMG you win LOL! I did just finish Big Sky a few days ago. I'm not sure if I'll watch next season either. The plots just had a lot of holes. But they managed to keep the creepiness, haha. Still no shooting! We keep holding our breath. I logged out of walmart and back in and then everything was showing in my cart again. Not sure what was going on, but I placed the order before it could change on me, LOL. I'll go pick it up after work today.

  2. I would be so irritated with these people not showing up or calling when they said they will. What are the items WM is deleting as out of stock? Maybe you could ask the boss about the half day Friday. They may have forgotten.

    1. they outed me of like half my cart online! Then when I logged back in it was all in stock. Some glitch I guess. No, the employer has said they are not doing the half day Fridays, while still in this partial Covid work situation. But, I'm guessing even if they go back to full time office work, we won't get back the half day :(

  3. My boss always said...the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Unfortunately, you'll need to follow up with them, because they don't care. Call them every. single. day. I can't tell you how many times I would have to call different companies, two or three times a day, sometimes even more, leaving messages for just a return call from them. People don't care anymore.

    1. You are so right, they just don't care anymore.
