Saturday, June 26, 2021

Saturday and staying cool

My dd and I pretty much just chat off and on all day long, every day, LOL. She's good at decorating and is working on decorating her house. She bought this wicker type rectangle basket to set on her coffee table. Something to put the remotes in, add some decor/eye appeal type of thing. Well, her cat decided this was the perfect spot to hang out in now, so the cat is always in the basket, LOL. Then cat started chewing on the edge of the basket a bit, so dd put a folded up fleece blanket (with owls on it, LOL) inside and covering over the edge of the basket. So, the cat even loves it more, because that cat loves fleece stuff. She sent me a picture of her cat actually laying on the couch across from it yesterday. The basket/blanket empty. I said boy, now there's a decor fail isn't it? 😂 A folded up owl blanket in a basket on her coffee table, LOL. They are getting this heat wave temps, too, so yesterday after work they went to several stores and found a small kiddie pool for their 2 dogs. Once her little aussie mix dog (and he is little) figured out it wasn't just a big water dish to drink out of, he had a ball, she said.

Our UPS guy usually isn't to our house until evening sometime. Not that he comes every day, but some weeks it's quite a few days. He always texts dh when he's getting close, and dh meets him out at the gate. When he texted, right after dinner last night he asked if he could fill up his water jug. Such a hot day and he drank what he had brought with him. Of course he can. DH had him come in and use the laundry room water, as the house water has a filter on it and the sink out in the shop doesn't. DD said she had an Amazon driver coming yesterday, so she left some cold drinks out on her front porch and they took a gatorade.

Every so often I look at my moms cell phone call log, see who's called her and see if there are any repeated spam calls I need to block. For years my uncle has always called my mom at least once a week, then the past couple of years, since she moved into senior living, he calls her usually every 2-3 days, usually just a quick few minutes call. I've noticed the past couple months he's not calling as much at all. Maybe once a week now. He did call me about a week or so ago, to check in and say hi and said he's doing good. Since I don't think my mom thinks to call him too often (I think because he's always been the one to call) I'll have to remember to call or text him more often, just to make sure he's doing ok. Days just go by so fast and I'm busy with work and stuff on weekends that next thing I know a month has gone by.

I'll be cleaning out the chicken coop later this morning. I'll give neighbor down the street a text to let her know. It's all I can do to fit my little garden cart wheelbarrow and myself into the coop to clean it out. I'm not even sure, if she has a regular sized wheelbarrow, it would fit thru the door, LOL. I'm just going to tell her I'll get it scooped out into my cart (only takes me like 10 minutes) and then we can either dump it into her wheelbarrow or she can just take my cart and bring it back.

I'm not sure what dh is doing today. He got up already and I would think the lawn needs mowed again. It's been since Monday. I need to stop blogging and get outside and water flowers! I see one of my day lillies bloomed yesterday. At least those seem to stay bloomed all summer. Most perennial flowering plants do not. I'll bet we'll be seeing lots of floaters and fishermen on the river today. The two art/pictures I ordered from Kohls for the guest bedrooms arrived yesterday, so dh will hang those for me. I'm not loving the bear one, but it will fill the wall space and it's nice in its simplicity. The buffalo one, even though similar, has more to it. I would not have paid the $100 or $120 that these were originally priced, though.

Happy Saturday! To those in the heat wave - stay cool!




  1. That was very kind of your daughter to leave cold drinks out for delivery people. I'm sure it's much appreciated!

    1. I guess she kind of had an idea when they were delivering, so kept it cold and then put out just before they got there.

  2. I've got 2 words for you.
    A C
    Enjoy your weekend:)

  3. Yes-we all bypass Koh;
    s full price. IT's almost silly to think of paying full price on anything there, though we once did for a pair of jeans for my daughter a all they had that worked for her that shopping trip.

    1. I hate paying so much for jeans and was happy to get these pairs for less than $20 ea. Now I finally have 3 I like and in different washes.

  4. I suppose the cat's idea of decorating is different from our.

    1. I think her cats ideas are all her own, LOL. But, she's such a beautiful cat she can pull off the coffee table decor, haha.

  5. Aren’t cats funny? The smaller the box the more they like to climb in and settle down for a nap.

    1. her cat loves boxes of any size, LOL. And she's the queen of the house, haha.
