Friday, November 2, 2018

Too much going on

Things with the in-laws are calming down a bit, so that is good. Yesterday FIL got out of the hospital and transferred to a rehab facility near their home. MIL is improving and is supposed to get released today, also to the same rehab facility, where they will get to share a room! I know that will help both of them tremendously. While it's not home, it sure nicer than their home, LOL. I looked the place up online and it was just built a few years ago. We have no idea how long they will have to be there, but at least for now it will be much easier on SIL. (DH always calls her "little sister" but now he calls her "little grandma sister" LOL.).

DH talked to his mom a few minutes last night and all's she knows about today is she's getting a surprise, which she is happy about. He also talked to his dad, who while tired and wore out, was also glad his wife will be joining him.

SIL is trying to figure out their "spend down" they will need to do. There are things they can use their money for that qualify as spend down - like a new furnace for their home! She also wants to know the tax implications by them withdrawing a large chunk from their retirement funds, so I am going to help her with that next week to figure out an estimate on how much tax will be, so she can make a tax deposit for it and have that count as part of the spend down, too.

Typical Friday - one framer here and he'll probably only work half a day. We've been waiting 7 weeks for the contractors HVAC guy to at a minimum tell us what we are getting for the money. The two bids we've gotten are 30% over what contractor put in the bid. Contractor is on vacation. Framer apparently doesn't work Fridays. It would help if it would stop pouring down rain.  Still waiting on that one electrician (that we hoped would be a good bid) to get us a bid, but since it's been two weeks (maybe it's been 3?) now, he's probably not going to come through. But at least we did get the one bid that was ok.

Every 3-4 months I get a reward from Verizon. The choices of rewards vary. The last one I got was a $5 Starbucks giftcard code - that didn't work! This time was a free movie from Vudu. I've gotten one of those from them before. Picked out a new movie. Will watch it one of these days.


  1. Sounds like things are going both better (In -laws) and worse (Building chaos)
    I don't think TheHub and I could survive a build and am really glad our next move will be to size down. A condo or garden home is definitely on the table as an option.

  2. Usually spend downs are done for permanent long term care when people are preparing to go on Medicaid. I wonder if social workers think they will both need long term care.

    1. Well, MIL definitely needs long term care, if FIL is not able to get well enough to be her caregiver any longer. We will have to see how his health does, though I'm not holding out a bunch of hope, with his unresolved (and added to) heart condition and the lung cancer. I just think SIL wants to be prepared and know what to do/spend the money on if that is what has to happen.
