Friday, November 16, 2018

the money flows back and color decisions

ok, so I can't read. The $180 charge on my credit card by the insurance company was actually a $180 credit! That was a nice thing to find out this morning. Instead of being $180 poor I'm $180 richer, it's like a $360 turnaround, LOL!

I do not know what color to paint our patio doors exterior. We picked these pit way back in January. I seem to recall the building supply expert telling us we want these doors that are painted rather than  real wood doors, that have to be stained. I can't recall the exact reason now, weather exposure, I think it was. Anyhow, they are starting to install them. Our siding is a two tone dark and tan, but mostly dark. Our window and door trim outside is a light tan (see shop photo below for example)

I hate trying to decide/figure out colors! They are just patio doors with glass in most of it, so just a trim area around the doors that needs painting. I can't decide if to just go with the light tan (that will already be around the whole door frames) or go with the dark brown, like our garage doors are. Ugh. I always feel like I am going to make the wrong choice.

On another note, I forgot we ordered these patio doors with the blinds inside the glass. Those will be nice to have. They also apparently come with slideable screen doors, which neither DH or I recall the guy telling us. I'm not sure we would have ordered them with screens. We'll have to see what they look like on, but looks like easily removable, I guess, if we don't like them.


  1. I think you should do the exact same as the shop (for continuity).

    1. that's what I'm leaning towards - I just start doubting myself when it comes to colors and mixing/matching

  2. Great news on the insurance. It's like finding money in a pocket of a jacket when the season changes. Always makes me happy :)

  3. I'm not necessarily right to do so but more and more I find I tend to go with my first choice (after going all round the reekin of course). That doesn't mean it's a good choice but that tends to be where I end up. Of course I have over-the-top taste and love bright colours so you would probably look like you'd been on LSD if you went with my choices! Either way I'm sure it will be beautiful. And that's good news on the money - "finding" money is always a positive!

    1. you're right, the first choice, gut instinct is probably the best one. I'm more of a neutral color gal, LOL

  4. I'd go with what you have on the shop. Such a rich color. Congrats on the "found" money!

    1. I think the dark brown for the patio doors will be best. it's not like a whole door is brown, like with the shop/garage doors. just the trim around the window part of the doors.
