Tuesday, November 13, 2018

It's a topsy turvy world

Oh my goodness. Yesterday afternoon, as I was working at my desk, I felt a little light headed. Thought maybe I was dehydrated, so I got up and got a bottle of water. Felt a bit light headed walking back to my desk. Drank most of the water and was trying to read an email and the words were all over the place. I put my head between my legs and that helped. Sat up again and was all dizzy. Was bent over trying to text DH to come into the shop, when he happened to walk in. So, he came and sat with me. He thought maybe some fresh air would help so he opened a window and I took some breaths. A little better. But, then all of a sudden I would get all dizzy again if I moved. Then I realized it must be vertigo!

So, that was not a fun 8-9 hours. After I realized I wasn't fainting and it was vertigo, I decided to try laying down. Laid down on my right side and the room just started spinning like crazy. Woo! Tried my left side and that was ok. So, that's where I stayed for quite a few hours, afraid to move. Anytime I moved my head to the right, or got up, I got dizzy. I laid there until evening, trying to sleep. Only getting up a couple of times to go to the bathroom.  Finally at around 9pm my left ear was hurting so bad from laying on it for so long, I tried to turn over. Spinning. I just stayed there a bit and it got somewhat better, but still spinning. I laid on my right side as long as I could stand the feeling (and it makes you nauseous, too) and went back on my left side for awhile. About half hour later I tried laying on my right side again. Just kept my eyes closed for the 20 seconds or so of spinning and then it settled down and stopped. Finally! I slept ok the rest of the night and am feeling much better this morning. Still a bit shaky and wobbly, but no more spinning, thank goodness. I've never had vertigo before and hope I never get it again.


  1. Vertigo is miserable. I have only experienced it once when I was really sick and that was enough.

  2. I am so sorry. I know exactly how that feels. I battled with it for years till the reason was found during an MRI. My condition is chronic. I am using a med that helps faster circulation so my left ear gets enough blood. Apparently the artery that delivered blood to my left ear was bending and that was causing it. I no longer get bad attacks. When I used to get attacks, I was given a med with betahistine dihydrochloride. Sleeping with a few pillows at 45 degrees help too.

    1. I'm glad you figured it out and got relief. I coudln't imagine dealing with it on a regular basis

  3. Oh my goodness, you poor thing. I have never experienced it (and hope never to) but took a friend to hospital when she had a bad attack and got to witness its horrible effects (severe vomiting, couldn't stand up - she looked drunk actually). Horrible. I'm glad you're feeling a little better now. Take care.

    1. My DH had it really bad after head trauma, one time. It was so bad I had to call ambulance and he went to ER. Same thing, severe vomiting and couldn't stand up.

  4. I've suffered from benign positional vertigo (BNP) for more than 20 years. I hate it. Google "Epley Maneuver" if you get it again. You basically put yourself in the position that causes the spinning, hold yourself like that until it goes away, and then gently rotate your head. The crystals that are out of whack then get out of the ear canal. I have gone to a chiropractor a number of times but have also done it by myself. Glad you're feeling better.

    1. I feel so bad that people have to deal with this on an ongoing basis. Ugh! I don't know if I did it properly, but that's kind of what I did. Just turned my head and held it there until it stopped and then went back to my other side.

  5. Sounds terrible. Hope it doesn't come back!

  6. I used to have vertigo all the time. There were days where the moment I woke up and moved my head the room would spin so on those days I knew I would be in bed all day unable to move from the only position where I didn't spin... I would say though, if you've never had it before, if it happens again please get checked out by a doctor. Vertigo can be caused by something as simple as fluid in the ear to things much much more serious and life threatening.. I pray you never feel it again. Feel better soon. XO

    1. Thanks Robyn. If I get it again, I will definitely go get it checked out. That's how I felt that day, too - I was stuck in bed in one position, if I didn't want to spin.
