Monday, November 26, 2018

The restful days

It was a very restful 4 days off. I didn't even sit at my desk to use my computer, except for a couple of very short few minutes. (mostly because DH was using the chair to be on his computer, ha!). I really had no alone time to sit and write a blog post.

We really didn't do much, which is exactly what I wanted to do. We slept in until 8 or 8:30. The first morning (Thanksgiving) I woke up my usual time, so I got up, had coffee, read for awhile, sitting on the bed, while DH was still asleep. And then I got sleepy and crawled back under the covers and fell back asleep. I think we got up at 9:30.

Thanksgiving afternoon our next door neighbors brought us over 2 plates of dinner! Ham, potatoes, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. It was so sweet of them. And much better than the Stouffer's lasagna I was going to make in the microwave, LOL.

I watched a little bit of tv on my ipad mini. Finished last weeks episodes of The Voice. We watched a little bit of news shows, as well as Gold Rush, which DH enjoys.

I finished one book and read two more during the 4 days off. All 3 were good books. The first book was I am Pilgrim. Quite a long book, but kept me interested. Good if you like CIA, spy type stories. The second book was The Atomic City Girls. It was good for the WWII history lesson, I wasn't aware of.  The third book was The Lovely Bones. It was a very good book, one of my favorites.

Saturday morning we woke up to everything covered in white with a couple of inches of snow. It was pretty, but ugh. They need to get this house all buttoned up! There are still windows that need to get in and the back half of the roof to get done.

DH got our new little electric fireplace out of the box to make sure it worked. It was making a strange noise. I read through some of the questions for it online on Amazon and a few mentioned that, too. He had to remove the back and bend the "brush" back in a little. It's the strangest thing what makes the "flames". It's a wire across the back with all these short pieces of like metallic paper. They spin around against the light and make the flames in the front. They were rubbing on the back panel. It was an easy fix. The little thing blows out some nice heat too. All in all, for $135, we are very happy with it and it should look good up in our loft sitting area in the house and make it nice and cozy feeling.

Friday, the blinds I ordered for the shop bathroom came, so we installed that. It looks so much better than a towel hanging over the window, LOL. The only Black Friday shopping I did was online to order the cabinets we want for this shop laundry. They are the same ones we got at Lowe's for our previous house laundry room, but since we wanted the brown color, and not white, those one's have to be ordered. They weren't on sale, but MyLowe's was having a one day 15% rebate back in the form of a Lowes gift card for online purchases. I bought a 3 door cabinet for above the washer and dryer and a narrow 15" wide tall cabinet for next to the washing machine. The total was $288. I saved 5%/$14.40 using my Lowes card, 4%/$11.52 back in ebates, and will get a gift card back for $41.04, bringing the total cost down to $221.

Saturday evening we decided to run into town and have dinner at the restaurant.  I had french dip and DH had a burger. I love their french dip sandwich. They also put on onions, mushrooms and swiss cheese. We were both stuffed and couldn't even finish all the fries. I think our stomach's are shrinking from the weight loss. Especially DH. He is down to 191 pounds (from 230 before we started all this construction early last spring).

We were pretty much of out food, so yesterday afternoon we drove into the city and went grocery shopping at the grocery store and Target. On the way out of the city we grabbed an early dinner of McDonalds. All the road construction between our place and the city was finally removed and no more slow downs. It actually was 35 minutes from our house to the city, now.

I got a nap in most days. By last evening I felt very rested up. Almost overslept this morning and woke up feeling like I was so NOT rested. Gah! I'm not really feeling the Monday and back to work, at all.

I have an old iphone 5s. I got this phone 4 years ago, Thanksgiving, for $99. And even then it wasn't the newest model. DH got one too, but his died about a year and a half ago (he uses his more than I do). But, since this phone is something I need to stay connected to my work phone system (via an app), I use it quite a bit more than ever before. How much longer can it last? I've just been waiting for it to die, before I have to cough up money for a new one. But, I also don't need it to die on me and then have to scramble for a new one, so that I'm quickly connected back to work.

Verizon sent me a Cyber Monday offer to upgrade to a 6s (obviously knowing I still have a 5, haha) for $5 a month/or $120 total. That's all I need really, I don't need the latest and greatest version, or even need what DH has (a 7s). I just need a phone that isn't 4 years old and probably going to give out on me here in the near future. It's a today only offer. I think I'm going to order it. It seems like probably the best deal I'm going to get on an iphone, even if it is a very older model.They mail the phone, no trade in required, but I'm assuming I'll have to take it into the Verizon store to have everything transferred from my old phone? I'm hoping it's an easy swap, where all my apps and work phone/email settings just transfer over to the new phone.


  1. I think the iPhone deal is a good one too. Like you, I do not like to replace things before they are beyond repair. I think the world is becoming a giant trash can because of the consumer economy. I love to re-use and re-purpose and never waste.

    1. I don't like to replace or spend money unless I really have to, but I think since this phone is 4 years old and I need it to connect w/work since I am working remotely, it's a good plan to be proactive and get a good deal on it.

  2. Sounds like you had a nice break from work. Those savings really add up. I read that Lowes is closing quite a few stores. Hopefully the one you shop at isn't one of them. I checked ours and thankfully we were spared. You have good neighbors to be so thoughtful to bring you dinner.

    1. I read that too about Lowes. I think I read it was in areas where they had more than one store close to each other. We only have one in our city, so I don't think it will close.

  3. How nice that your neighbors brought you dinner. I am going to add it to my reminder list to take a few things to some of my neighbors this Christmas. I like to bake and since I can't eat it I might as well indulge my habit then give it away.

    1. That's a nice idea to take some of your baked goodies. We used to always take over some Christmas cookies to our neighbor of many years.
