Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mail and whatnot

I've been expecting to get a bill in the mail for our new "homeowner's" insurance on the shop, since it's not under construction anymore, I changed it to a homeowner's type policy. I emailed the insurance broker this morning to check on the bill and she said they mailed it to our old PO Box address (even though I gave them our new mailing address) and that it got returned to them yesterday. Why didn't the postal service forward it to me?! According to USPS online they are supposed to forward my mail for 12 months. So frustrating. Probably explains why, since we've moved, I feel like I am hardly getting any normal amount of mail. I tried to find a ph# to call post office but it was a general customer service number and would be a 43 minute wait to talk to a live person (good grief!). Then I found our local office ph# and talked to the manager. She apologized, it was their fault, and mail is supposed to be forwarded for a year. Apparently they have some people helping there from a different post office, who aren't as familiar with everything.

It snowed a bit this morning. Ugh. Yesterday a bunch of the windows got installed, so at least there is that. Still some more to do, but only one lone guy working here today, so he can't do them by himself.  Framer texted DH this morning to ask how much snow, if any, we got. DH told him just a dusting and now it was raining. He said he wanted to say "what difference does it make - you have a house to build and get done!". LOL.  Then the rest of the roofing shingles got delivered this morning (roofer is supposed to come back tomorrow to finish it). There some some mix up in the billing or they were short a pallet or something, but the bill was $5475 and the roofer only had $5000, so we wrote a check for the $475. Not a big deal, as some of the work we are covering out of pocket anyway, when we can, and something about our contractors account with the roofing supply company is on hold....not a good sign.

My dd and her fiance went and visited in-laws on Sunday at the care center they are in. They are doing pretty well, all considering. Apparently MIL thinks she is there to keep FIL company, haha, and nothing is wrong with her. SIL said she thinks she is a visitor with overnight privileges.Then a staff member came in to ask her some questions that apparently she was answering wrong because FIL was shaking his head no to all her answers. Then she whispers to DD's fiance "they just ask you all these questions to keep you in here longer". I guess she was trying to outsmart them by giving them wrong answers. LOL.

So, we got a better HVAC bid, from the friend of our friend. He used to also own an insulation business and had insulated our shop at our previous house. His was lower than the other HVAC, plus he's letting us use his plumbing supply account to buy the fixtures, which looks to save $500-$600, too. The guy he sold his insulation company to came out and we got his bid this morning....ya...no...it was almost $40,000! I about spit my coffee out when I opened the email this morning. Not even in the ballpark in the same state, LOL. Kind of like that one electrician's bid. So far out there, it's ridiculous.

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