Monday, November 19, 2018

A little complain'

After the quick and busy weekend, Monday is back at work and back to house building...if you want to call starting at like 9:30 or 10am...back at it.  Here's the mystery... the whole time the guys have been framing, since the end of August. It's basically 3 guys. The head guy is our contractor's son (mid 20's), it's his framing business. His younger brother works for him, as well as another guy who is around 40 years old.  The older guy (a very nice guy) shows up around 7:20 to 7:30 every morning. The other two show up at 8:30 am at the earliest. Most times it's getting closer to 9am. WHY??!! Why does he sit in his truck in our driveway for an hour to an hour and a half every morning? I told DH to ask him, LOL, but he won't for some reason. During the warmer days I figured maybe he just likes the quiet time to relax for the hour, read, take a nap, whatever, before they start work. There isn't anything he can do by himself, so he never starts work without them. Now it's 25 degrees most mornings, so he has to leave his truck running to keep warm. WHY??!! why would you waste the gas and sit there for an hour or more every single morning? I just don't get it.

This morning DH was still in the house when they were finally getting started around 9:30. (again, I ask, why does that other guy want to sit and wait for them for 2 hours?). DH was waiting for a call back from an electrician (because you know....we have apparently had to become our own general contractor to get these subs lined up). He looks out the window and sees them pulling our big slab of raw edge wood from our wood pile where we had all our trees cut into lumber pieces. This is like a big 16' length, wide piece of live edge wood. We want to use it for something in the house. Hopefully it can be used to make our kitchen bar countertop or maybe DH can make a table out of it. They had taken it out to use as a plank they could put up on the forklift forks and something to walk back and forth on. The framer knows what that stack of lumber is for. DH went out there and asked them not to use that, as we plan to use it for a countertop in the house. Framer guy got all snarky and was like "what? you mean for like a bathroom countertop?" DH was like, "no, for our kitchen island bar countertop". Then framer says "well, it'll be fine, we won't get it muddy". (there isn't anything they haven't gotten muddy!). DH comes back in the shop all mad and tells me obviously they don't want to listen to him. We don't want their boots and dropping their tools marking it all up, let alone putting 2-3 guys weight on it is going to bow/warp it, most likely and then it will be no good to use. DH asked me to go out there and tell them not to use it. So, I did. I just said "hi, sorry, but we had this cut to use for a countertop or a table, so can you not use it?" Framer says "ok, we won't use it". Geez. Not to mention we paid money to have the trees cut down and we paid money to have the boards cut for us. Then we find out the reason they didn't show up until 9:30 (and left their guy sitting there waiting an extra hour for them) was because they stopped and went hunting this morning.

What's the point of having your phone number on the Do Not Call Registry if you still get tons of spam phone calls? My cell phone is being bombarded with them the past couple of weeks.

ok, done complaining. I'm going to try a new vet. It's a little closer than the one I have used. Should save me 20 minutes each way. Plus, it has pretty much all 5 star reviews online, where the other vet has like 3.2 stars. I didn't really have a problem with the vet, though the second time I went there it was very chaotic and crowded in the small waiting area and just made me feel very stressed out. The chairs and benches were taken, everyone else was standing in the middle, because there was no where else to stand, plus some were actually trying to stand in line to check in. Plus, it's kind of a traffic drive through the city to get there. I noticed this other vet when we were at the fireplace shop looking around. It's the first exit to the city and just a couple of minutes drive off the freeway in a little business park. Better parking, too.


  1. It must be the work ethics of the 40 yr old. He must be coming in when he thinks is appropriate and probably be cursing the young ones going hunting before a full day's work all the time he sits in his car.

    1. it seems like the young ones count their drive from home to work as part of their workday! But, I still don't know why the older guy would just come to sit for an hour or more every single morning, when he knows they won't be there for an hour.

  2. I'm not so sure I'd like someone sitting in my driveway like that. While no doubt it is harmless, it would just feel weird to me.

    Good for you for holding your ground about the counter top wood. Have they given you any idea of how much longer this house build will take?

    I agree, those do not call registries are a joke. What I do now is block any spam numbers that come through. Not sure it has helped, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something to decrease the frequency.

    1. that's what DH said - it's kind of weird having someone sit in your driveway early in the morning when you are just getting out of bed. But at least he's parked over on the other side of the property, so it's not like he's right out in front of our shop doors. I'm guessing it will be several more months before house is done, at the rate they are going and with winter here.
