Sunday, November 18, 2018

The quick, tiring weekend

We had a quick weekend visit from DD and her fiance. It was good for DH to see her (he hasn't seen her since May) and to get little break from the house stuff. They decided to stay in the motel rather than bring their camper trailer for such a short visit. They got in Friday night after midnight, so we didn't see them until about 8am Saturday morning. They grabbed breakfast at the motel lobby and then came over.

It was kind of a tiring 13 hours, LOL. We gave them the house building tour. Then came inside the shop for awhile and sat and visited. It was getting close to noon so we decided to drive into the city for lunch and we really needed to stock up on some soda for dh (and he puts soda out in a cooler for the workers). First we stopped at a feed store in the next town over as DH wanted to get a couple of bales of straw/hay to put down over the muddy area next to our shop, to see if it will help cut down on the dogs muddy paws. I had no idea what bales cost, haha. $6.75 ea. LOL. They also had a little area in the store with gift type stuff and DD bought a jigsaw puzzle as a Christmas gift for her fiance's parents. DD has a Costco card, so we decided to go and get the soda there, as that is where they wanted to fill up their truck with gas. I still hate Costco, LOL. It was so crowded, you could barely get around the place. But, the lines weren't long, at least. Of course we couldn't get out of there with just soda. DH found some insulated winter work gloves. Then I saw a big bag of Ghiradelli peppermint bark...and then a sweater top for $7. I could use another warm long sleeve top and who can beat $7.

Then we went next door to Lowes and looked at some shelving and lighting, just to look for ideas. We are going to have to change our original plans for porch lights, because this stupid huge house isn't big enough to put up porch lights?! Good grief. The windows next to the back patio doors should have been smaller, apparently, as they are too close to the doors and not enough room to put porch lights in between the trim. I haven't really decided now what I want to get, instead. I did find that the porch lights we got for the shop also carries a hanging pendant light that matches, so I'm going to get that for the light under the covered porch. Only $50 on Amazon.

We grabbed lunch at Wendy's and then were trying to figure out something to do for the afternoon. I suggested a wild life conservation place I had seen advertised on a billboard, so we killed an hour or more walking around that. Came back home and visited for a couple of hours and then went out to a nice dinner. Then we came back home again and visited until they went back to their motel around 9pm. We were all pretty tired. Their dog is exhausting! He will just never leave our older dog alone and our older dog won't put him in his place, so it's several hours of trying to sit, relax and visit, but try to keep their dog in line.

There isn't much to do around here and not much comfortable sitting here in the shop, so we went ito town this morning and met them for breakfast and just took our time with that. I think we were all still full from the big dinner we had the night before. They were going to leave by 11am or so anyway, so by the time we got done eating and visiting it was around 10am so they just decided to get checked out of their room and back on the road.

DH and I got back home and we were both just exhausted, still. We both took a nap, which seemed to do us both some good. He's been piddling with stuff outside and I've been looking at lighting fixtures online. I think I've decided what I want to get for dining room, kitchen, entry way, etc, and the ceiling fan.

I am so glad next week is going to be a short work week.


  1. You did have a busy day. Your dog will probably need a day of sleep.

    1. it makes me feel old to get so worn out from a day, but I guess I've been tired to start with.

  2. Funny how these visits with our kids can be so tiring. Still, it was nice for them to come and see you and your DH and the new house. I'm sure they are super excited for you.

    One of the first things we did when we moved to our current home was change a few light fixtures. We went with this kit for our dining room ceiling fan and for an L shaped hallway, went with these, even though they are technically for ceiling fans. We just removed the pull cord. We've receivd a lot of compliments, for something I thought was very reasonably priced...or at least compared to a lot of other lodge-type decor out there. I'd make these links clickable, but have no clue how to go about it here. Have fun exploring your options. There sure is a lot to choose from!

    1. Oops. Second link should have been

    2. those are good prices. I've seen that second one online and thought about it for one of our guest bedrooms. I didn't realize it was a fan, until you mentioned it!

    3. Check out for lighting. I couldn't find anything I liked at a price I liked then I found that website and was able to buy 2 pendant lights for above my sink for just over $50 each. The regular price was almost $200 each. They are really good quality and look nice. Not all the prices are that reduced but it does change daily.

    4. thanks for the link. So many choices! I will definitely look through them
