Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The kids

I forgot to mention the highlight of the long weekend. DD and her DF were spending the weekend at his parents house. Anyway, she texted me "have you ever heard of Dave Ramsey and his books?". Ahhh, music to a frugal mom's ears, LOL. It sounds like they have accumulated a bit of credit card debt since they bought their house. Now with DD's big raise with her new job and her DF just got a $5,000 a year raise, she wants to get their credit card debt paid off. She also told me with her new job she is putting the max 7% into her 401k and her company matches 75 cents. That's a good match. My company only does .50.

I told her I have read his book(s) years ago, as well as I used to sometimes listen to his radio show on my way to work and that he is very good for help with getting out of debt. She said she was going to check out her local library and see if she could borrow from there, since she doesn't want to spend money on them, when the whole purpose to read them is to get out of debt, LOL. I told her the library was where I borrowed them from. She's a pretty focused person, so she'll probably end up going all gazelle on the bills, haha. I told her about his snowball method, to pay off smallest debt first and then use that monthly payment (and whatever else you can add to it) towards the next debt and so on.  She also mentioned the book would be a good Christmas gift for her.

Speaking of children, the last I had heard from our son was several months ago, when he emailed to ask me if I had his social security card I could email a copy back to him, as he needed it to accept a new job. Through the grapevine (grandparents) we heard a couple of different stories of what job he was changing to (he had been working at a computer repair store the past 2 years). One was he was going to be a sheet metal apprentice (sounded like a good job to get into) and the other was some other more specialized type of labor (I can't recall). Turns out he ended up going to work with his buddy, hanging drywall. Who knows for sure, with him. I was hoping he was moving into something that he could learn a trade that pays well and make a career out of, if he isn't wanting to stay working with computers.

He's back on Facebook again, we can see a bit of his page. As usual, he's back on because he has a new girlfriend. I'm sure once that goes south in a few months, he'll be back off Facebook again. It's what he's been doing for several years now. Again, the new girlfriend is an older woman. DH says she's 38 (though how he knows that I didn't ask). From her Facebook page, looks to have a 17 year old daughter that doesn't live with her, and a younger daughter, maybe around 9 or 10. Again, another "winner" with the crude Facebook posts. What is it with these adult women, with children, acting like they are 15 years old? But, hey, at least this one doesn't have piercings everywhere and doesn't work at a pot shop.  She just tagged him in a photo from this weekend, with her little girl. He does look better than the last picture I saw of him or year or more ago. He has dropped the eyebrow piercing and the lip piercings.  Something to be thankful for.


  1. Your daughter sounds like she has a sound head on her young shoulders. Your son has put you through the wringer but you know what, I'm sure a sound(er) head will sit on his shoulders too at some point. It's just a shame it often takes the lads longer than the girls to figure it out (says the mother of two sons). He'll get there though!

    1. she does (and so does her fiance). DH told them several times the weekend they were here how proud he is of them and their hard work and good lifestyle choices.

  2. I was thinking the son's girlfriend was pregnant a few years ago. Was that a false alarm?

    1. you are correct, there was a girlfriend pregnant about a year and a half ago, but she had a miscarriage and they broke up. She already had a 10 yr old son. Apparently they were all living with her brother. DS told DD that he wanted them to move into their own place, but she had a built in babysitter with her brother, so she could go party every weekend. I think that relationship only lasted about 4-5 months

  3. Life gets messy with adult offspring sometimes. All anyone can do is wait and hope for the best.

    1. it's been a long wait, but yes, there is nothing we can do but try to live our own lives the best we can.

  4. You have every reason to be very proud of your daughter. Another book she might enjoy (and benefit from) is Love your Life, not Theirs. It is written by Dave's daughter, Rachel Cruze. I read it and feel it relates very well to your daughter's generation. FYI, on Dave Ramsey's site there is currently a sale going on with many of his books only $10.

    As for your son, I truly hope that in time he comes around. So hard to watch our kids make poor life choices.

    1. Thanks for the book suggestion. I think I might get her his original book and that one for Christmas.
