Friday, June 9, 2017

Weekend plans

We experienced a brief moment of bliss last night LOL. The renter got home around 7 or so. With yet another trailer! He and wife bustled around outside for about half hour and then she's putting a bag and pillow in her car. She leaves and then he leaves in his truck. We figured they must have been going "racing" (because he thinks he's some big time racer haha). We promptly went and sat on our porch and enjoyed the warm evening and it was soooo quiet. I watered the flowers. Watched an adorable Mountain Bluebird take a bath in my bird bath. It was like heaven. Just after we went back inside around 9pm the guy came back. What a let down. LOL.

It's my half day (yay!) Friday. We'll probably head into the city for the afternoon to get some shopping done. I have a prescription to pick up and need to get DD's BF a birthday present. She said he'd like a circular saw or some saw horses. DH found a used belt sander on Craiglist, on the way to city, so if it's still available he'd like to buy it for his (one of these days!) projects to make my sofa table, book case and boot bench.

The weather has cooled down from the 90s to 60s, thankfully. Looks like 60's to low 70's for the next week. I'm not a very good hot weather person, especially with no a/c. The house does stay nice and cool all day long until around 6pm and then it gets pretty warm.

DH's friend neighbor took his dirt bike up into the mountains for a ride the other day try and get to a small lake. He wasn't sure if the snow had melted enough for driving his truck all the way there. He got back and told DH it's all melted and we could get up there with our car, so maybe we'll try that this weekend. It's one of those places you go and most likely not see another soul. Sounds perfect.


  1. We don't have a/c in our house either. It was one of the few reservations I had about buying our house as I don't tolerate heat too well. Thankfully it really hasn't been too bad. Where we live now doesn't have a lot of days where a/c is needed.
    Enjoy you weekend.

  2. *your* weekend. Darned fat fingers! lol
