Thursday, June 29, 2017

Is it Friday yet?

It's a bit cooler outside today and cloudy.  Actually got a little rain overnight (much needed) and while it's supposed to get up to 77 by late afternoon, the majority of the day will be low 70's. I'll take it, because the next 8 days or so is supposed to be 88-93 range. Too hot and so glad we got that a/c unit. Still a nice and cool 70 in the house and we haven't had to turn the a/c on yet today.

DH and I had a bit of a blowup last night with the communication problem. I forgot to mention one of the other things he does is not finish his sentences. Usually when that happens I'll just say "what?" but after two tries and no response I'll just let it go. Which of course probably comes back to bite me as 2 hours or 2 days later he'll talk about something I have no idea what he's talking about and that's what he thought he told me. Anyhow, nothing really resolved. Obviously it's going to have to be me who tries to figure a way to work around the problem.

I decided to add the $36/mo long term disability to my employer benefits. With the $24 cut in satellite tv services, it's really only a $12 increase in my budget. I seem to be now earning about that amount a month from the ads in my blog and swagbucks (woohoo!LOL) so it's kind of a wash overall. Very worth it, should something happen where I can't work. Between that and SS disability, I would then still  make $72k a year.

Ok, so remember when DH had the "conversation" a couple of weeks ago with the renters and renter was mad that "we killed his grass" by DH putting weed killer in a narrow strip under OUR fence line on OUR property? Well, you should see their lawn. They haven't watered anymore this past month, so of course their whole lawn is all dead and brown now. Shaking my head...... In the spring the guy had sprayed a bunch of weed killer stuff on his lawn. Why bother doing that if you are just going to let your lawn go brown and dead anyway the next month? My hope is that they have decided they will be moving when their lease is up at the end of the year and aren't bothering to take care of the yard now.....a girl can dream, right?

Itchy dog seems better, so I'm thinking it was the heat. I only have him benadryl in the morning yesterday and none today and he's hasn't been so bad. Hopefully the vet can give me more info on the problem.

We are literally so close to our mid year bonus goal- half today and tomorrow left. I have a strange feeling we aren't going to get it and that will really stink.


  1. I can feel your pain, but in the opposite way. I am having problems with speech and writing. I think I am saying one thing and saying another or I say something and think it is wrong, so I correct myself - only the correction is wrong. I have good days and bad days, but communication is getting very difficult. My Dad and Grandfather have it, so does a 1st cousin. So, I guess it is genetic. I try to write or read outloud every day to help.

    Good luck to you - I know my husband gets worried and maybe a little frustrated sometimes. I am trying to help though - hopefully once we realizes, he will try to help as well.

    1. I'm sure it must be very frustrating for you! I have a feeling whatever it is with DH has to do with whatever is causing his muscles and pain problem - something in the brain! and most likely it's starting to affect his memory and thought process too. I think when he's not completing his sentences I'll just start saying "please finish your sentence so I know fully what you are talking about". He thinks I'm not listening to him, when he doesn't realize he's either not saying it all all, just thinking it, not finishing his sentences or saying the wrong thing.

    2. Did you realize that my problem with the words affected the earlier comment? Good Lord - it frustrates me to no end!

    3. I just thought maybe a typo (I do those all the time!)

  2. My husband and I have communications issues also. He like to discuss things in the very early morning. I am not a morning person and think better and clearer in the evening when he is tired. Now if it is really important we text first and talk later.

    1. Good plan! My DH used to try to tell me stuff (like we're out of laundry soap) at 1 in the morning when he'd come to bed! Of course I never remembered!

  3. I think if you qualify for SSI disability benefits then the long term disability will pay you that amount less so you still only end up with a total of what long term disability was originally paying.
