Wednesday, June 7, 2017

New friendships

DH's new friendship with the neighbor guy across the field between us is really a good thing for DH. They probably visit with each other just about every day (either here or there) when neighbor is home for his 2 weeks. He is a pretty funny guy. He wants us to go with them to where we USED to live and show them sightseeing. DH is like NO...LOL...we just got away from there! He mentioned it again to DH yesterday and kept saying "think about it" and as DH is walking home across the field he's yelling "think about it!!".  Too funny. He also told DH "I think I'm just gonna walk up to that guy (renter neighbor) and tell him off". DH is like, no I wouldn't do that. This guy is sneaky. He'll manage to turn it around and you end up in trouble because you are standing on his property or he's always got that stupid bluetooth in his ear - you never know if he's recording or someone else is listening.  Then neighbor friend said "I told my wife - you mess with (DH) you mess with me!" LOL.

Anyhow, at least for last night renter must have gotten the hint - no noise. We have spent almost 2 weeks trying to talk to an attorney for some answers on what legal route we can take! I guess we need to try someone else. Our good friend is a paralegal, so we obviously first contacted her about it and about setting up to talk to someone at her office about our problem. She had us send her our documents, which she looked over and then gave to one of the attorney's to review. We've been told for a week now he's going to call's not like we are asking for free help. I even emailed friend and said if we need to make an appointment, let us know.

Yesterday (warm day out) there was a young kid working out in the field part of neighbor lady's property across the alley. First he had mowed her yard part. Then he was getting a weed eater ready to do her field part (I guess too rough to use mower on) and DH was out in our backyard. He hollered across the alley and asked the kid if he wanted a water or something, but he said he already had some. About an hour later he was cutting the brush down just the other side of the alley on her side. DH had me make a couple of root beer floats and he walked out to the alley and said "hey, my wife made some root beer floats, would you like one?" The kid was like sure! They chatted while eating. He's 13, lives in town. His big brother used to do all her yard work (and made a lot of money!) so now he's taking over the job. DH told him that was a good thing, we don't see many young kids around here doing yard work for the older folks. His reply was "that's because they're all sitting inside playing video games all day!" He's 13 :) He was also excited that the town swimming pool opens up for the summer next month.


  1. How sweet that kid is! I need to get my youngest 2 up and out there. My older were good about it - we have just been in limbo for a few years. I love that y'all are making friends. I need to work on that here. In our neighborhood, we are the young ones, but my friends have always been 10+ years older.

    1. this neighbor couple is exactly same age as we are. The neighbors out at our property are about 10 years older.

  2. It is great to hear of a kid taking some initiative and earning some dough in the process. Nice that his family puts value on a work ethic.

    1. yes, it's nice to see there are still some kids out there willing to do some work. He did it all by himself too

  3. Sounds like a smart young kid! Nice for your hubby to have a new friend to visit with.

    1. yes, DH likes to talk, LOL, so having someone to visit with is nice.
