Friday, June 23, 2017

Long term disability insurance and TGIF

I was able to get a couple of online quotes without giving my phone number. Yikes - apparently the plan offered through my employer is a screaming deal at $36/mo!  The first quote I got online gave a range of costing $319-432 PER MONTH. Zander Insurance (who I got my life insurance through) was $124 per month.

I decided I better check the extra life insurance I can get through work and compare to what I'm paying. I thought I had done that before, but wanted to make sure. I'm currently paying $330 per year for my life insurance plan. The same coverage through work would be over $500 a year, so I'll stick with what I have, obviously.

I did drop the HBO and Showtime channels today. We did get one last movie in last night - The Free State of Jones. Pretty good, but we still don't watch enough to justify $15 a month. We'd be better off to rent a couple movies a month if we really want to watch one of them.  Local channels are part of our package deal, but they separate it out at $10 per month and it kind of looks like maybe I could remove that charge, if I wanted. We hardly ever watch the local/network channels. DH just about never does and the only things I watch are The Voice and Big Bang Theory. I watched This is Us last season, but watched it on my computer the next day or two after it aired. I doubt I would miss the local channels much at all.  I mostly read in the evenings now, while DH watches political news or something like Deadliest Catch or Gold Rush.

DH finally got started on my furniture project yesterday! At least he got the boards cut. I think they are going to look pretty neat and rustic, as the lumber is live edge. Knowing him though, once he gets started he won't want to stop working on it until it done, which is good for me, LOL.  Here is the top of the sofa table cut and sanded. We bought him a belt sander and that is working well, he says.

I also meant to chat about our pretty cheap weekend with DD last weekend. We spent $5 as a donation to the historic ranger station. Then we spent $5 to drive through the buffalo range. That's it! other than we ate out twice, which somewhat offsets that I would have had to feed us anyway. We also used about a tank of gas, at the most.


  1. I have long term disability through my work and so I asked how it actually works. What I was told is it pays out for about 2 years or so and then if you are capable of getting a different job, they expect you to get a job, and I believe will help pay some of the difference between your new job pay and your previous pay (up to the 60%). So say you lose a leg and can no longer do your job that requires you to lift stuff. After two years they would expect you to to find a job that doesn't require standing even if it's a job you have no interest in and would potentially hate to do. So long term disability doesn't necessarily pay you indefinitely. I found that part really interesting.

    1. That is good info to know. I wonder how it works as far as a different type of job and what pay you would be expected to take? Like I make very good money and sit at a desk all day. What if they determined I could do something else (I'm not sure what LOL) but it paid like minimum wage or something?

  2. With Amazon Prime at $99/year, a Roku stick and $5/month gives lots of options for viewing. Just a thought.

    1. I do have Amazon Prime (share with DD) and an apple firestick. With that and the on demand stuff we can also get (plus we have starz/encore) I think we'll find plenty to keep watching. Mostly we watch stupid political news anyway LOL. I'm the one that will usually dig around the channels for a movie to watch :)

  3. We have an apple TV box we got about 6 years ago for 100.00 one time only. Then monthly we pay for hulu and netflix which totals almost 18.00 a month and a few months ago bought a TV antenna that we hooked up to our TV. It just took a few minutes and the pad goes in a window. We now get many local channels and I can see Big Bang and other shows I was missing on CBS and I get PBS. That antenna was a one time out lay of 24.99 at Big Lots. It all depends on your reception area. Take care.

    1. We really like our Dish satellite and just really did not need to be spending extra for HBO and Showtime. I can get Amazon stuff through our Firestick (I think I paid $40 for it) for movies and tv shows too. DH likes his cable news and also a few shows he watches on cable networks like Discovery. I have a feeling reception would be bad here. The only way to get tv in our area (mountains and mountains) is via satellite.
