Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Back to "normal"

So, back to work today and back to "normal" with DH. Ugh! He can be so much work sometimes. We had already discussed last week that my first day back (after 10 days off) I would be very busy and not up to all his constant interruptions. Well, of course, first thing off this morning he's at it. His computer is at a small desk next to mine, so we have to share the room. Fine, but he's constant non-stop chatter and every sentence is a question (even if it's not a question). He'll make a statement, but that is always followed by a "you know?" which I have to answer him, he'll say "you know?" again. It's not like he's even talking about anything important. He made some dumb statement/question joke about joining some religious group common here in this state and I replied back "no, don't think so" with a laugh, but he then has to basically ask the same question 3 more times! I laugh and say no and he asks it again. I say no again. Then he has to ask why? even though the whole conversation is ridiculous. No, we are not going to become Hutterites! LOL.

Finally, I said - I have a lot of work I'm trying to get caught up on, can you leave me alone for awhile? He goes outside to play with the dogs. While he's outside, I get a phone call for work. He comes back into the house cussing up a storm because the dog lost his tennis ball in the snow again. I quickly get up and shut my office door, so my caller doesn't have to listen to him in the background.

Then he's mad at me for telling him to leave me alone for a little bit, until I get through these 2 weeks of emails. I have a "problem" because I can't work and talk to him at the same time. I said yes, it is MY problem, so deal with it. LOL. Good grief. Grow the heck up and give a person a little space. If he was working on something and didn't want to be constantly interrupted I'd have no problem leaving him alone for awhile.

I'm booted off work right now (why I'm typing this) because they upgraded something while I was off, and now need to finish the update, so I can't work until that is done. My side job changed email servers (again) while I was off and I just finally got that working again on accessing my emails.  Always something going on.

I'm through the "urgent" emails and now just working on all the stuff that doesn't get done by anyone else when I am on vacation. Slowly but surely. Hopefully I'm fairly caught up by the end of the day.
The work update is done, so I can log back in, so back to all the work!


  1. I've heard that it's hard to work at home, because no one else considers it "working" when you are at home. You will probably have to find a way of establishing boundaries from the get go. Of course you have worked at home part time before, so you probably have dealt with this problem already.

    1. Hi Carole - yes, I have worked from home (part time before) for over 11 years. it's been a challenge somewhat, but prior I had my own "space" or room for my office, so it wasn't quite such an issue. But now, when he wants to get on his computer we share the room. I'm just not sure what is so hard about sitting there quietly doing his web surfing, while I work. I don't mind the occasional chit chat, but he just goes on non-stop and when I answer I have to turn around and answer it again 2-3 times! What frustrates me the most was we specifically talked about this very thing last week! Oh well, he can be mad at me, I don't really care. Work is more important and pays the bills :)

  2. So I'm guessing you won't like this suggestion, but... you've said previously on your blog that 1) your husband gets bored, and 2) his health insurance is expensive. Has he ever considered working at least part-time? His boredom would go down, and he could potentially generate enough income to cover his health insurance premium - win-win!

    1. He wouldn't mind finding something very part time. I think once we get to know people and stuff around here something might pop up. It would just have to be something very flexible and not tied to a set schedule as there are lots of days he just feels like total crud.

  3. It has been always hard for me to work from home. Although I have no one to distract me, I can do that by myself pretty efficiently. When I did that to myself, I would just take my laptop to the nearest Starbucks to work. If there is a library nearby, would you work from there? Come spring, probably your hubs will find more stuff to do outside to leave you alone anyway though.

    1. There is a library in town (that I need to go check out) but unfortunately taking a laptop won't work, as I utilize a dual monitor system for my office desktop. And yes, when the weather gets nice he'll have plenty to keep him busy.

  4. Can you get him a laptop or a netbook and kick him out of the office during the day?

    My DH used to work from home one day a week when we lived in our last house, but he had an office in our finished basement and it was pretty easy for the girls and I to ignore the fact that he was even home.

    1. I was just thinking that the other day! When he's sitting out in the living room he'll be on his little phone looking at Facebook, etc. I almost said to him "would you like a laptop or tablet?" I should have gotten him one for Christmas!
