Monday, January 16, 2017

Doing Winter

It was a very enjoyable 3 day weekend. The birthday celebration at our friends house on Friday evening was very fun. Lots of good food to snack on all evening, as well as cake and cupcakes. Met some new people and it was nice to get out for an evening (and not cook!). Before we went to their house we went into the city and did some shopping real quick. $200 later we walked out of Target. That did include a bottle of wine for the birthday lady - picked because we liked the bottle and the label, LOL, as we know nothing about wine.

Saturday morning we went and did the rest of our grocery shopping in town here (milk and stuff). I can't remember now what we did the rest of the day. Not much, apparently.

Sunday our friends (same one's we went to on Friday) asked us to go out to dinner. There is a nice steakhouse place near their house, but out in the sticks, that DH has been wanting to go to. I guess it's been around a very long time as DH's dad remembers it from over 35 years ago (though it's changed hands a few times).Very good food and we had a nice evening with the 4 of us. Still less than a half hour drive from our house, so not too far. It's so nice to leave the house and not give our neighborhood and house a second thought.

This morning I cleaned bathrooms, dusted and cleaned a few dishes in the kitchen sink. I ironed the new burlap table runner I bought and put it on the table. Kinda cute and rustic.

I had today off, so around noon we headed out to our property for a walk around. It's good exercise when you try to walk around in 2 feet of snow! So beautiful everywhere around here.

The road back to town

 Supposedly the coldest/most snowy winter since like 1996. So we'll get our first winter out of the way as probably the worst of most of them to come. It hasn't really been that bad at all. I am liking it and love that the snow stays around (vs maybe one little snow that melts by afternoon each winter). I think we'll stay :)


  1. Sounds like this move is agreeing with you. That's fantastic. It is nice to leave your home and not have to worry because of bad neighbors and their friends. I know you are enjoying the move. You worked really hard to make it happen.
    Take care,

  2. Sounds like some snow shoes might be in order! I live in a snowy area myself and it will be months before we see grass again. Love the beauty of the Winter. Had to laugh about the wine. That would have been my way of choosing a bottle too.

    1. That's what I said today, need some snowshoes!

  3. You sure seem of lighter mind since your move. I'm glad it's agreeing with you both. I really love the table runner-classically simple and refined.

    1. so much more relaxed! The less people (especially druggies) around is so nice.

  4. I am very glad that you have found a new and relaxed life. Enjoy! You deserve it!

    1. Thank you so much! I feel like I am making sure I take time each day to appreciate that I am here.
