Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What I'm reading and watching

Most of my entertainment (especially in winter) comes from reading and watching tv (and Facebook LOL), So,here's what I'm reading and watching currently:

Books - I'm reading two right now. The main one is "Going Clear". A book about exposing The Church of Scientology. My thoughts on this "church": NUTS!

I chose it to read because DH and I found the Leah Remini show about Scientology on A&E the past couple of months very interesting. This book even delves more into the craziness of it all. So ruthless and controlling.

The other book is one I received from DH for Christmas. "History Will Prove Us Right", about the Warren Commission during the Kennedy assassination time. This one is taking me awhile to get through, mostly because I do better reading on my ipad, where I can adjust the font a little bigger and this is an actual book.  Anyhow, for now it looks smart sitting on my coffee table - HA!

Prior to starting the "Going Clear" book a few days ago, I just finished reading a Michael Connelly book "The Crossing". I can't read one of his books with "Mickey Haller" in it, without thinking the character and voice as Matthew McConaughey, haha.

Watching - mostly I've just been watching "This is Us". I still have the latest episode from last week to watch. Apparently we no longer have NBC on our Dish satellite as they are arguing over the contract, so I wasn't able to watch it on regular tv last night, like I had hoped.

We did also start watching the new series "Six" on History channel. That was a pretty good show and one I figured DH would like, as well.

What are you reading and watching?


  1. I am reading two books as well, but I am adding that Going Clear to my list - sounds interesting! I am rereading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (for fun) and Dissolution for my book club.

    As for watching, nothing major - we are still going through Grey's Anatomy and Supernatural on Netflix. I am getting Captain Fantastic on DVD in the next day or two - excited about that one!

    1. I loved the Harry Potter books (and movies). I'll have to see what Dissolution is about. I love the comic book/superhero movies - I'm such a geek ;)

  2. I'm on a bit of a "Swedish" kick at the moment. Just finished 2 books by Jonas Jonasson - The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden and The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Walked Away. Right now I am reading "A man called Ove" by Frederik Backman. Very easy reading and very sweet! I will also add "Going Clear" to my list though. I always tend to have 3 or 4 books on the go at once though. As for TV - nah, not much, although I like Doc Martin and Allo Allo. Anna

  3. I'm loving all the book suggestions and am writing them down!(I get e-books thru library). The "Going Clear" book was really good. I read it in like 2-3 days. If you have a chance to watch the A&E Leah Remini shows on it, she has some of the people referenced (past members) in the book interviewed on the show. I'm really surprised though that she was never mentioned in the book when the author is talking about all the celebrities involved with it.

  4. I've been re-reading a lot of financial books. Started with Millionaire Next Door (Thomas Stanley) and will move on to other books I have by David Bach, Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman. There are probably others on my bookshelf as well. As for TV, not much. We don't currently subscribe to any TV providers and never hooked up an antenna. Other than to watching an occasional DVD, I mostly YouTube it these days.

    1. Those should help you get motivated and inspired in your journey to get out of debt. Do you take advantage of your local library? you can get all sorts of entertainment from them - books, ebooks, audio books, dvds. Great free source of entertainment :)

    2. That's what I'm hoping! I don't visit my library near as often as I should. Good reminder to do so.
