Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Mom, health and misc

I don't talk with my mom every day - usually about twice a week, sometimes a once a week phone call, if we have already emailed (plus DD talks to her about once a week). Well, I guess last week her furnace went out Wednesday morning and they didn't get it fixed until Friday morning and it was pretty darn cold freezing temps there. When she told me about it, I just assumed she went and stayed at her boyfriends place while it was broken........No, no. She stayed at the house because she didn't know for sure when they were getting the part and coming to fix it! I found out about all this after the fact (we talked on Saturday) so I didn't say anything to her, but I so wanted to say "Mom, why didn't you just tell the heating company that you were going to stay at BF's and to have them just call you on your cell phone when they were able to get back out to your house to fix it?"  She could be back at her house in less than 30 minutes.  But no, she sat there for 2 days in a house that was like 50 degrees with a little space heater and lots of blankets.

Remember when I had such bad acid reflux most of last year? My doctor had put me on Protonix about a year ago and it worked really well. She had given me a 2 month prescription, and when it was almost out I had emailed her to tell her it was working great and do I just continue to take daily, etc. She told me to try going to every other day. Well, I did that for about a month or so and it gradually just got worse. So I started taking it daily again, but never got back to where it worked again. Over the summer it got really bad. A few weeks before we (finally) moved I realized it had to be stress causing it. It always started late afternoon and would go all evening, oftentimes an hour or two into when I was trying to sleep. I started spending my evenings reading books and just trying to relax more and it started getting better. Since we have moved, the acid reflux is completely gone! I eat whatever I want, however much I want again. I haven't had one time where it has affected me again.

In other health news that is probably more info than anyone wants, LOL, it appears I may have finally passed into the menopausal stage. It has been 3 1/2 months since my last period. If so, it's been a very easy transition, nothing like most women describe it at all. Keeping fingers crossed it stays this way.

Dinner was easy last night. About 4pm DH got on his "annual catch up" phone call with an old friend and they will literally talk for like 5-6 hours! This guy used to work for DH and they have remained in touch, even though friend moved back to Northern California years ago. He calls DH up about once a year or so and they catch up. Well, I guess he tried our old home # and got the disconnected recording and he didn't have DH's cell #. He doesn't do social media, but had his sister try to find DH through her Facebook and then tried Twitter and found DH. Friend (who hates social media) even set up a Twitter account just so he could message DH to call him. LOL. DH rarely does twitter but by coincidence just happened to look at Twitter yesterday and saw the tweet from this friend.  I knew he'd be on the phone for hours, so finally about 6:30 I had a bowl of cereal for dinner. When DH got off the phone at 9:30 - just as I was about to head to bed, I just heated him up a couple of corn dogs and that's what he got for dinner. Tonight we'll have the steaks we were supposed to have for dinner last night :)

Right now DH is out shoveling the driveway and getting the car warmed up so we can run to the post office and pick up the mail and some packages. That stupid bag of dog food finally got delivered and it was sent via USPS! All the other times I ordered it (Amazon) it was shipped UPS. So now we have to get a big 40# bag of dog food at the post office. So dumb. I had also ordered a towel ring for our bathroom and that is ready to pick up too. I'll be glad when we build our house - we'll have mail delivery out there.


  1. My mother in law is the same way. I call her every few days to check in but the last two weeks she has had the flu or other stuff she is getting over. Usually she says she's on the third day. I say - Please call us when you are sick. (she's 81 and lives alone) But she is very independent - just took a job last year because she was bored. I would worry more but I know she talks to one friend several times a day and they are very close and she has my phone number and has been instructed to call in an emergency day or night. I'm wondering if part of it is just attention seeking from my mother in law. She has no other family just me and her son (my husband) I try to get over there once a week for coffee but she is one busy lady so it's hard to catch her. She lost two other children - so my son is it. No other relatives since both she and her ex husband were only children. Oh well, we do the best we can and at some time we have to let them continue being grown ups and making their own mistakes. Take care.

    1. my mom is very independent, but I am sure starting to see the signs that she is aging.

  2. oh boy .. our parents are so stubborn! It drives me nuts! LOL My dad is 83/ mom is 80. No spring chickens. I live literally 4 houses up the street and they are still so independent. I guess we will be , too. Its their right. But I do hate it when I find out something went wrong and we are right here. I'm glad your mom is warmed up again!
    Menapause : Don't count on it! 3 months is nothing! LOL Go for one year and then it can come back with a mad vengeance! Hot flashes? Oh ... I went through years of them. And then I was done, and then not. Doc says "OH honey it can go on forever!" LOL Thanks doc! Good luck yours is smooth sailing!

    Have a good day!

    1. I'm not holding my breath at all on the menopause LOL. It'll probably hit me with a vengeance at some point, but so far (at soon to be 53) so good.

  3. I was under such strain with my b"ç"ç"çd ex-husband I didn't know if the wanting to cry all the time was the menopause or just my situation. My doctor put me on HRT and I loved it. But the biggest plus - I was as horny as hell - I felt like a 13 year old boy must feel when hitting puberty! I found it to be a life-saver (well that and getting divorced) and have weaned myself off it now, but be forewarned if you do go on it (insert smiley face here). Anna
