Friday, January 27, 2017

Filling in the calendar ;)

I was joking with DD last night that I'm going to have to get a calendar for all our social engagements we are getting now. LOL.  In addition to our coffee at the "property" neighbors house tomorrow, we also have now been invited to sit at the table of a charity dinner that DH's (rich) friend has a table at in early March. Some annual charity for a wildlife foundation or something like that. Aren't we just the social butterflies now? LOL

I'm making a loaf of banana bread, this afternoon, to take over to coffee tomorrow. Last night I made myself a cheesecake. It's been a long time since I made one of those. Hmmm...I don't remember the springform pan leaking before, so my oven started smoking and a little flame as it dripped on the heating element. EEEK! I guess you are supposed to put foil or something underneath, but the directions didn't say that. The directions for this recipe called to bake for 30 minutes and then turn oven off and let sit inside there for an hour. Fortunately the smoking/flames started right at the time I was turning it off, so I took it out for a couple minutes to get the little bit of smoke cleared and stuck it back in (figured what did I have to lose at that point) for the remaining hour and it turned out fine.

I cleaned up the bottom of the oven today, before I turned it on to make banana bread. Of course I apparently didn't get it all off and it was smoking a bit. So, I had to turn it off, let it cool down, wipe and wipe some more, but now my banana bread is baking nicely (I hope!).


  1. Sounds like this move has really been good for you! We went through the same thing with our move a year and a half ago. I was always a bit of a hermit before but now have a lot more contact with people in my new area.

    1. we are kind of hermits too, but do enjoy socializing once in awhile.

  2. I think when you move you have to make the effort to get out there because you don't know anyone. Not a bad thing though. And funnily enough I am making banana/nutella bread tomorrow to use up some of the bananas in the freezer. Your "smoke" story reminds of my mom and dad's house in Dorset. They had a very sensitive smoke detector that was forever going off. One time the neighbours came round to ask if everything was ok as they could hear the smoke alarm - dad just said "don't worry, my wife's just cooking"! Rotten bugger. Enjoy your coffee morning. Anna

    1. That's what my DH would say too, if someone came to check on our smoke alarm. LOL.
