Sunday, January 29, 2017


I woke up with a headache and usually when that happens once I get up (and eat) I'm fine, but this one keeps getting worse. Ugh.

We had a great time over at our neighbor's next door to our property yesterday. They had invited another couple that lives down the road, but also ended up including another couple too. Everyone brought something (banana bread for me), plus the hosts had some goodies, so we all ate good! One of the couples, the wife is new to the area too. They just got married last summer and prior to that she had lived in another state and a big city.  Our neighbor guy is a hoot and great at making people laugh, that's for sure. Their house is just awesome. Makes me can't wait to build our house out there.

Neighbor lady is in a book club and asked if I like to read. So, yes, since I love to read I am going to give her book club a try! She gave me the book to read and their next meeting is at the end of February (once a month). She said sometimes there are only a few that show up, sometimes 10. It's just very casual and do it when you feel like it. A once a month book club sounds like just my speed of socializing.

Well, off to take some advil and see if that helps.

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