Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year

Christmas was very nice, even if it was just the two of us. It snowed all day. I put our little turkey in the oven and while it was roasting we took the dogs for a walk. It was perfect.  We opened our gifts on Christmas Eve. DH had done a bunch of gift shopping when he was visiting his friend, so he had quite a few things for me :) Afterwards we FaceTimed with DD. She is doing well and loving her new home.

I've been off work since last Wednesday before Christmas. Sleeping in a bit, reading, watching movies. Last Saturday we went and visited that friend of DH's, who he used to know through work, where we lived before. OMG! What a lovely amazing home and I didn't even really get to see much of it. It's about a 6,000 sf log home. We sat with the guy and his wife in their living room the whole time and visited. Both super nice people (in early 60's I'd say), I really liked them and enjoyed their company. It would have been nice to tour their home, but I also liked that they weren't "oh, look at our house!" type of people, too. Just sitting in their big living room with the fireplace, some coffee and watching it snow outside was so nice and relaxing.

We have about a foot of snow accumulated now. It's been one month now since winter really started. I like it :) Though I will be glad when it's all gone and spring is here and don't have to worry about what the road conditions are.

Unexpected money keeps coming my way again this week. I got a check from my previous mortgage bank for $1244 for overpaid property taxes. I thought the escrow lady had said we'd be getting about $1200 back, but I had gotten a check from the bank for like $100 or so and thought that was it, but that must have been for interest.  Then I got a check for $24 from a class action settlement I signed on for awhile back. It was for same bank and something to do with overcharged appraisals back in 2007 time when we refinanced our home. And I got a very nice $150 Visa gift card from my boss for Christmas. Wooo!!!

DD and her BF went on their own phone plan. I guess it didn't really save me as much as I thought, being able to drop down to the 2GB plan. It dropped it $15, but I was already paying 2/3 of that $15, and now I'm paying 100% of the $35 2GB plan, so really only saved me $3 a month. Better than nothing, I guess. I also received a $25 Netflix gift card for Christmas so that pays for the next 3 months, which is nice too.

We decided to get another laundry room cabinet. It's a decent sized laundry room, so we might as well utilize the space available for extra storage.

We also found a use for a couple of old wood shelves from our old house. Again, very little storage space in our bathrooms, so we put on in each bathroom. The medicine cabinet I ordered to match the vanity wood also came this past week and we installed that. SO much nicer to have all the stuff off our our sink area.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year! The house is coming along nicely! Love it. And you gave me and my hubby a new idea for our bathroom. We have a small mirror and not a lot of space in it. Never thought to put a shelf under a mirror!


  2. I like the shelf Idea as well. We need a complete bathroom overhaul, but that little change could be very useful on controlling some clutter.

  3. Hi, along time ago I came across your recipe for oatmeal breakfast cupcakes on Pinterest. My family fell in love with them! Since that time I have been unable to retrieve the recipe from my board. Would you be so kind to post it again here so I can start making them again? Thank you so much.
