Thursday, December 1, 2016

Weather forecasts and gift giving

The weather forecasts here are just dumb. LOL. It is rarely correct. It was supposed to snow every day this week. It was supposed to snow last night. In fact, right now, it's supposed to be snowing. It's not and other than a little bit Monday morning, we have not had snow any of the days and days it said it was supposed to snow.  The only thing that seems to be predicted right is the temperature.

So, I am hoping it's wrong again on Saturday (or Sunday)! I want to go into the city and get my Christmas shopping wrapped up. DH's I have ordered online. I got him some Romeo shoes (or are they considered boots?) he's been wanting. I also ordered him this neat wooden state sign I found on Etsy. It's cut into shape of state, has longitude and latitude of our town and the town is marked with a bullet shell casing. Will look nice on the wall over his computer desk. I'll need to get him a few smaller items and stocking stuffers.  For DD's boyfriend, we already purchased his gift several weeks ago. The first trip they were here and we were eating in the town restaurant, he really liked this metal wall art they had. When we were in the restaurant again over Thanksgiving weekend, he was eyeing them again! So, I know he'll like it.  I haven't gotten anything DD anything, but I got a list of ideas from her last night. I also need to get my mom's present. Usually I get her a calendar and some crossword puzzle books and a gift card.

If I can't get into the city, then I will do some shopping when I fly over for my annual company meeting in two weeks. I'm flying in late Thursday afternoon, will be at work most of the day Friday and then staying until Sunday afternoon, so I will have time to go shopping. Gifts for my mom and DD I can just wrap and leave with them, then.  DD should be in her new home by the time I go over, so I will stay with her at least the first night. She lives north of my office about an hour, my mom lives south about an hour, so I will probably go to my mom's after work on Friday and spend the remaining nights with her. DD is going to be busy hosting a friend visiting from Australia that flies in Friday afternoon.

We will be getting the second half of bonus's for work, at the meeting. Sales are going great. We've also been working on really trying to get our commission % increased, too. We have some leeway on how orders are priced for most of the manufacturer's, which then in turn increases the amount of commission we receive (our sole source of income). Even if our sales stayed same at 100 million, a 1% increase in commission rate is a million dollars more in revenue to our company - pure profit for really no extra overhead at all. Something our owners keep reminding our quotes and sales force dept's....something they'd love to pass on to the employees!

Today DH is visiting the grassy knoll landmark in Dallas where President Kennedy was shot. What a coincidence that just over Thanksgiving we watched a movie about his assassination. He sent me some pics. He even got to go right up inside to the window at the book depository. Yesterday was his friend's wife's birthday, so he paid for their dinner at a steakhouse. Less than $80 for 3 at a steakhouse - seems kinda cheap to me, but then again none of them drink alcohol, which keeps the bill down for sure.

My short lunch break is over. Back to work. I do not feel like working today at all. Ugh. I wish tomorrow was my half day Friday, then I could have gone into the city at noon tomorrow instead of waiting until the weekend.


  1. I am so glad we decided not to give each other gifts this year. We are not Christian but we have always exchanged gifts for the New Year. We finally decided that thankfully we have everything we need and it is a hassle for everyone. So, yesterday, I got lottery tickets for everyone and I am done! It is a big New Year's lottery. Other times, I never purchase lottery tickets.

    1. I always put lottery tickets in the stockings we open Christmas morning. Sometimes win a few dollars :)
