Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Trying to get over hump day

This seems like a long week, already. The weather has been gloomy, DH has been extra gloomy, and I've been dealing with heartburn for the past couple of weeks. The first week it was just that I felt like I needed to burp all the time, which was also making me feel like my heart would skip a beat or flutter when it built up. This week it's the same but actual heartburn/acid in my throat now. So, last night I picked up some Prilosec OTC to give it the 14 day try and see if it goes away. If not, I guess a trip to my doctor will be next. I've never had this problem before but I know my mom had some bad problems with GERD/acid reflux about 10-15 years ago and I think she even had to have some surgery to help correct it. Hope I'm not getting that!

I'm still trying to decide if I want to get a Costco membership.  I'm sure over the course of a year, I'd recoup in savings the $55 membership fee. Plus, I have an offer through MyPoints where I get 550 points plus some freebies from Costco. I know if I wasn't having to go there to pick up prescriptions, I would just end up not going and not using the membership very often because I really don't like shopping there, but with the prescriptions I know I would have to be there, so I would use it. One of DH's prescriptions is a narcotic pain medicine and they can't set those up on automatic refills each month. His doctor has to give me 3 months of prescriptions to fill - the 2nd and 3rd for 30 and 60 days later. So, I have to wait for the pharmacy to fill it each month, which so far takes them about 30 minutes of waiting time. Might as well shop and save on things I buy regularly.

Well, off to try and get through the day.  Some days that's all one can do, I guess. 


  1. Sounds like that membership may make sense of you, especially if you can recoup the fees themselves. Hope the otc works for you and doesn't require dr intervention!

  2. I like SAM'S, can you split the cost of Costco with anyone? Friends or family?


  3. It's a good thing I just read the fine print on the MyPoints offer. I thought it would be a certificate you purchase and they email you right away that I could take to the store tonight when I go to pick up DH's prescriptions. Says it's mailed and takes up to 2 weeks. So, I guess I'll just have to wait until next month's trip and not be able to buy anything there this trip.

    HS - no one to share it with. My mom already has a membership and though I could use hers, it's too hard to coordinate her dwindling free time (now that she has a boyfriend!) with when I would need to pickup prescriptions.

    1. If your mom has a membership, and is the only one listed, she could add you at no extra cost and you could get your own card under her membership! My mom and I do this, and it works out great!

      And I agree, the savings on gas can quickly help make up for having to pay the membership fee!!

    2. Anon - thanks for the tip! I will definitely check into that. I didn't know she could add me since I don't live in her household, but she is the only one listed on her membership so I will have her check into getting me a card. See...I knew there was a reason I kept holding off purchasing the membership!

  4. Oh the reflux -- I don't have it but hubby & both kids have been through it. 10 yr old takes Prilosec every day -- 14 yr old used to -- hubby has had esophageal issues since the day I met him -- that is the surgery he had, removal of the E. Not for reflux, but he still does get it bad. He takes Protonix & will for the rest of his life.

  5. Michelle - does you son have a chance of having what your DH has? is it a hereditary type of problem? I've never had reflux problems before - sure makes life uncomfortable!

  6. I am not a fan of Costco as I find if I shop around I can get better deals. Saying that we have a membership through my dh's work which costs us nothing.

    Dh has bad acid reflux and is on Nexium.

    Gill in Canada

  7. I've found that the Costco membership has come in handy for the gas, too - it's been .15 - .20 less per gallon every time I've been filling up. Which all adds up. And I do love their meats, some of their prepared foods, and bakery, too. They'll often have plants, etc. which are great deals. I feel that the $55 is recouped pretty quickly. And like I've said - I've used my membership to reserve a rental car and that actually saved me more than the membership cost! So well worth it for us. And haven't even tried their pharmacy (yet). Just my thoughts on our membership.

  8. We had the Costco membership for a year, and it didn't really pay off for us but with using their pharmacy, it might be a great idea for you!!

  9. We use Costco for the studio but other than that I stay out of the store. I think it is expensive.

  10. I used to have a Costco membership but I found that it didn't really save us money. We filled the freezer (an old one given to us) with boxes of frozen processed food which we literally quickly grew sick of LOL One of my kids has a membership so we will go with them now and then .... the kid loves Costco and buys all groceries and supplies there. Perhaps I will look into it again now that it's just the spouse and I at home ..... I need to go for another trip with my kid to see if I think it would pay off. Can you join up under your mom's membership? That would be a great idea if possible.

  11. I have acid reflux and it gets bad when I eat too many of the trigger foods. Alcohol, chocolate, acidic foods and drinks including spagetti sauce and soda are a few of mine. Stress is also a huger trigger. If its a sudden onset you might have an ucler. You might want to try the medicine and go with a bland type of diet for a few days.

  12. I just finished the 14 days of Prilosec and every day I was taking it my symptoms got better and better. No problems with it now, so I am hoping the medicine helped it and it won't come back, at least for awhile.
