Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Homemade pizza

Over the weekend I tried this pizza recipe I found in a magazine ad. YUM! It was so easy to make and tasted so good. I will definitely be making this again and it was great for leftovers to take to work for lunch.
Easy Homemade Pizza

We like olives and mushrooms too, so I added those to this recipe.  My crust wasn't exactly a perfect circle - haha! but it all tasted the same. The crust is made with thawed out Rhodes frozen dinner rolls. DD is already asking me to make this again.


  1. My homemade crust is never a perfect circle either,I just call it "artisan" :)

  2. OMG THAT LOOKS SOO GOOD!! But I'm low carbing it now, no pizza LOL


  3. I *love* Rhodes rolls, I made pretzels with them a few weeks ago!

  4. Yum!! It looks delicious! Now I'm craving some homemade pizza!
