Friday, March 15, 2013

Another broken appliance

Good grief! Last weekend I had to replace my Shark steam mop because it died. Now my vacuum cleaner went bad! I don't know how old it is - I'd say at least 8 years, probably longer. The motor is making a terrible noise and a burning smell, so now I have to buy a new vacuum. It just never ends. At least I still have the $50 Lowes gift card from my washing machine purchase, so I think I will use that and purchase the vacuum there. I will also see if I can buy gift card for Lowe's at my grocery store and get extra gas rewards (5x gas rewards points from a personlized offer I have on my store card)...I think it was SuzyQ who gave me that idea recently? If it was someone else, I apologize, but thanks for the idea! I just need to not touch anything for at least the next month!


  1. Our vacuum did that but it turned out that it had been clogged with our dog's hair. Is there any way that this could be the problem?

  2. I was going to say the same thing...2 daughters with long hair, my hair.....yup thats what it was

  3. Yep, probably clogged. Try and clean it before you buy.

    I love buying GCs at the grocery store for the gas points. Last year, we put carpet in Bossy's room through Lowe's. I bought the GCs at the grocery store and got 60 cents off gas!

  4. We need a new vacuum too - & I found that's highly recommended for around $100. I just haven't had an extra $100 lying around in order to buy it yet ~

  5. Which one is it, Michelle? I'm still researching to find a good one to buy.

    As far as we can tell, it's not clogged. The motor just sounds very sick and a burning smell coming from it - not hair (I've smelled the burning hair before)

  6. When it rains it pours! It is hard to find a good vacuum these days-I love dyson but they are so expensive. We have a really old Dyson that I am going to rescue from the house we just sold as the new vacuum be bought doesn't come close. Cheers

  7. Congratulations - Hi there - I am a follower of your blog and I nominated you for the Libester Award. Read all about it here.

    1. I cleaned mine and changed the belt and got a few more uses. Then I got a used one from a friend. good luck!

  8. Please check Craigslist or local estate sales before you go out and buy a new one, if you need to. Also, are there any local appliance stores that can do repairs? Perhaps all it needs it s new belt. Good luck!

  9. Hi Selah - It wasn't a very expensive vacuum to begin with - less than $100, so I'm not inclined to pay repair fees that would probably end up more than the vacuum is worth. It wasn't the belt, unfortunately - I'm an expert at replacing the belts, haha. So many have broken on that vacuum over the years that I always had spares in the closet! If I owned a Kirby or a Dyson, I'd have gone to a repair shop, but not for this cheaper vacuum. DH did take it apart but we couldn't find any clogs. I think the motor just went bad after all these years of use.

  10. That’s one tough vacuum cleaner you have there if you’ve been using it for 8 years! Ours broke just after 2 years since we purchased it, so now we have to buy a new one. But this time, I will make sure that it’s of great quality and can withstand all of my dogs’ hair. Anyway, determine the problem with your vacuum cleaner first; maybe that would save you from buying a new one.

    Sharen Ambrose

    1. Thanks for commenting Sharen! We tried to figure it out - took it apart twice. From the sound of it I think the motor finally just went bad.
