Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I am feeling so old right now! Oh.My.Goodness!  DD and I watched "The Voice" for the first time ever last night. I'm not so old that I haven't heard of Shakira, but that's about as far as my knowledge of her went. We enjoyed the show quite a bit and her accent reminded us of DD's foreign exchange student tennis partner she played doubles with last year. I'm always the type that when something or someone interests me I google them for more info. I was just wondering where Shakira was from in "Latin America". In reading about it I saw that her age is 36. I watched the show all last night thinking she was probably in her mid 20's - very young and pretty looking. 

So, I ask DD - hey, how old do you think Shakira is? (fully expecting her to guess approximately the same age I had) and she says, " 50?". My eyes go round and she says "maybe 40?". Ok, really, If Shakira looks like she's 50, I (at almost age 50) must look like I'm a hundred!!  It was quite depressing, to say the least.  Sigh.....


  1. Now you need to ask you how old YOU look? :) When I was young, 30 seemed old to me. And now I think I'm young :)

  2. You're only as old as you feel :)

  3. I'm right there with ya sister! I bet you look Great!

  4. Well, DD redeemed herself a bit :-). She said when I asked she guessed really high because there are so many older women these days who look so young, that she thought maybe that was why I was asking her to guess Shakira's age. Haha!
