Friday, March 29, 2013

Good news on Good Friday

It's been a day of some good news.  First off DS will be home in less than 3 weeks!! I am so ready to have him back home. It will have been over 4 months since he left when he gets home. Not sure how long we'll get him, as he's talked here and there of moving to Australia to work and live, but hopefully we'll at least have him through the end of summer.

The company I work for has had another record sales month, so we ended the 1st quarter with awesome numbers! Getting closer and closer to that mid-year bonus. A bonus equivalent of $550 per month (10% of salary) would be so great to get. If we make the goals for the year we get another payout at the end of the year and back into 20% bonus possibilities for 2014.  That kind of bonus (we got that for 2 years in a row in 2007 and 2008) would be a tremendous help to my budget. Everyone at work is super pumped and we are on a great momemtum.

With the news that we reached our sales goal (and there is still today left to add to it) the owner's decided to close half day early today, for an early start to the Easter weekend. I'm looking forward to an afternoon off and getting some errands done. DD has no school, or work, or tennis this afternoon so we will get to grocery shop and run errands together.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like things are going great over here!!! Happy your son is coming!
